EDIT: Blizzard is now addressing this issue
On single target, it’s perfectly fine. For AOE, it’s extremely broken for tanks. I’ve been seeing it average around 25-35% of almost every tank spec’s dps, with their next runner up in damage being around 12%…
Why should a tank get to do 46% more end run damage just because they won the lotto on corruption? I was just in a run on my mage I’m gearing up and the tank was keeping up with me on total damage. 31.5% of his damage was from echoing void. He averaged 28.6k for the run and If you do the math, you’ll find that it increased his overall average dps by 46%… Without it, he would have been at 19.6k dps.
Proposal: Either split the damage among all targets or start splitting the damage among targets beyond three targets. Last season was bad enough with prot warriors pulling DPS level damage on AOE for almost every single pull. This is starting to take it to a whole nother level.
So the tank is contributing more to damage, making your run go by quicker/smoother, and that’s a bad thing?
It already works like this, duh, but tanks have way more hp aka their echoing void is always going to be stronger.
Yeah how dare some people enjoy tanking while doing decent damage for once lol!
There’s actually an extended Bear druid build around it. You use conflict and strife to get that 25% attack boost, get t2/3 echoing with r8 cape.
Before you’d be just above top DPS. Now you’ll be destroying the meters. 
(I have nothing against this, it’s funny af to watch)
Honestly we have a tank shortage, I want to encourage more people to go for it!
Even if I were to get a R3 infinite stars, on my mage, I’d be lucky to see it do 10% of my overall damage in a mythic+ run… If I got an echoing void, and stood in melee range the whole run, it might do 5% of my overall damage. Oh and keep in mind that the tank I’m talking about was only a blood DK…
Because now it will become REQUIRED for any high level keys… If you’re a tank, without it, good luck getting into 15+ keys…
Actually, it really doesn’t like you’d expect. Yeah, it splits a little, but not enough. I think the target cap is something like 6 or 10 before it starts hiting the diminishing returns region.
The issue on aoe tbh is like it can crit, so it will deal more on aoe than on single, despite the split damage, but this isnt the real issue, the real issue is echoing void being damage based on hp % for every spec, this will obviously result in retarded mode for tanks, so a fixed % for tank specs would solve some of it.
Are you feeling threatened by tank damage as a dps?
Probably because Bliz had to do something about threat as dps goes nuts in this patch. You want to nerf tank damage, you will suffer in M+ with major threat issues when rng procs happen off dps corruption.
I mean what happens in a M25 when 3 dps get an insta proc on their infinite stars doing AoE… uncontrollable wipes are generally bad for the game. (In addition, bliz put in a new essence for tanks to AoE force taunt for 6 seconds - clearly this is a major concern).
You can look at it like this: Bliz decided to go back to Legion for tank threat and allow tanks to do big dps.
Not at all, they still do nothing vs bosses. The point is that if you want to do big dps, you roll a dps spec. We’ve been here before plenty of times, where tanks are doing dps level damage, and it always results in the same outcome: tank dps nerfs.
Then buff the threat generation multiplier…
IS takes a while to ramp up in damage. It hits like a wet noodle at first. It’s not until you get to around 5 stacks that it starts doing anything to raise an eyebrow.
Ok so all 3 get a Twilight Devastation proc 
I think we haven’t even seen how high dps will be. Already in M12 dps is up to 55k as a baseline, from 30k before. As the system goes forward that will skyrocket even more.
Tanks only generate 5x threat multiplier now. But also - consider this - why should dps double their damage, but tanks can’t? Why should tanks have to not participate in a patch clearly designed to jack dps?
The only way to “satisfy” your argument is to make the new corruptions only increase damage by 10% (for everyone) but I think Bliz rightfully thought “more dps = more fun”
Because bad dps in 450 ilvl gear are upset that tanks who won the corruption lotto early with echoing void are beating their 30k dps. Don’t worry dps will also eventually get good corruption affixes.
It’s already been nerfed, doesn’t really need another one.
I’d rather tanks be able to do damage. 
More tanks will have fun then, and because more tanks are having fun, more tanks show up. Meaning less time waiting on tanks. Thus it’s better overall.
Now if only they could add good corruptions for healers. 
Tanks need the dmg to keep up with good dps that have their broken corruption. Everyone has broken corruptions. Farm yours.
Echoing itself hasn’t… but shhh.
These people raising a stink about tanks doing good mob damage. 
Op has prolly never tanked in her life.
This is a god send to the snooze fest that is the tanking role.
It’s already super thankless as is let them have fun.
You’re talking about required in high keys ?
If I inspect you or your main if I find out you didn’t even do a 13 on time your whole argument is invalid
It will come out in the wash eventually. DPS will win their lotto and relative damages will end up about the same as before corruption.
It’s like infinite stars: infinitely unreliable. Sometimes, it will do big damage, other times, it will do no damage. Echoing void is 100% consistent.
I’m all for tanks getting a boost to damage and all, but a 40-50% increase in mythic+ damage? That’s too far…
I do quite a bit more than 30k dps on my mage, who’s 450. I have friends who are all legendary parsers and that were in the 3k+ range last season, that are also complaining about how unfair tank dps has gotten in M+ as well.
That nerf was geared at single target damage and was geared toward dps classes. Even for tanks, it usually only ends up being like 5-6% of their dps, on bosses, which is fine. They still haven’t really addressed it in mass AOE with tank level health.
Completely agree here, I was joking about this on my mistweaver the other night like “Where the hell is my +30% HPS corruption???”
My DH pulls pretty ridiculous numbers already. Most dps classes go up by about 10-15% with a good T3 trait, definitely not 45% though.
My mage is already like 20-30 runs into mythics and I do every armor WQ that I see. Still have crap for corruption luck.
I tank on every single class that can tank, including my 458 DH…
Like I said, even in best case scenario, it’s not happening right now. I have R3 dps corruptions on my DH and they don’t make that huge of a difference in damage. Infinite stars rarely gets up past 3 stacks on high key tash, maybe 5 on bosses. Twillight devastation rarely makes up 7% of my aoe dps for the end of run numbers.
There really are people with this mindset. Hurt pride I guess? The tank in my M+ group has TD (and now so do I and one of our other dps). Certainly makes big trash pulls go down faster which is always a good thing.