Ebon Might


who do you think created aug evoker?

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Just wait til next expac when Enhance also gets turned into a support spec :melting_face:

i’ll find another depressingly cute animal jpeg to convey my distate worry not reptile

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It’s the original support spec :dracthyr_a1:


Enh should be a tank spec.


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Just as Ian Malcolm said in Jurassic Park -

“God creates man. God destroys man. God created Evokers. Evokers destroy God”.

Blizzard was so preoccupied with if they could create a balanced party buff class, that they never stopped to think if they should.


True. But Ian Malcom also said:

“Oh yeah, the oohing and ahhing, that’s how it always starts. But later there’s the running and screaming.”

Coulda been another wod box: no new specs, spellbooks chunked, outland reskin, brian holinka tweeting selfies.

don’t you ever put that out there

Aug is a paracausal force, it is eternity itself.

Blizzard just has the power to defeat it now.

Isn’t paladin also the OG support spec?

Sort of yeah, you could say that. Enh was too tho.

Yea I can see shaman in general being a support with all their totems, I personally love support specs but I gotta admit Aug is more of a DPS than most DPS rn instead of a support :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

thats because people threw a fit and they took out a lot of power from the supporting aspect and put it into the damage. which is why aug just randomly farts and kills people with 500k burst windows.


People mad if you buff others people mad if you do damage, no winning :dracthyr_cry_animated:

shouldve stuck to the buffing and just nerfed that instead they compensated the spec when it didnt need that and just needed to be nerfed

Because Aug players are all unhinged BCBS (broken class bias syndrome) sufferers.:

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Blizzard better create more support specs next expansion. If not, aug evokers will continue to be uniquely OP, or Blizzard will finally be forced to nerf them into irrelevancy so they’re not so dominant in PvE.

I wouldn’t trust Blizzard to fry an egg at this point.

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FYI Blizzard: