Prune augmentation from the game

Dude I hate to burst your bubble, but you are in fact painfully mistaken. Jimmy beat you at rock paper scissors in the playground 1 time and now you’re whining to mommy blizzard to euthanize him. My man who responded to you did so with courtesy and class and you decided you needed to publicly soil yourself to try and convince onlookers you’re right.

You know what other class has the game revolving around it? Healers. Should healers be deleted too because everyone who’s pushing a high key has a healer in it? I mean it looks like you can’t reach the top unless you have a healer on your team? Seems like some pretty reasonable ground for heavy handed nerfing.

They’re experimenting with a new kind of class, whether they choose to go harder or softer from here is a matter of design, not juvenile hostility. Do they fill the game with more support classes, and change some DPS slots to be dedicated support spec slots? Do they scale Aug’s numbers back? Do they stand their ground on where everything’s at?

Either way, I can assure you, OP, that you are the least knowledgeable person involved, and in all likelyhood the exact opposite of whatever your clouded mind thinks is probably the best option.

Everything you say is riddled with fallacious nonsense and I would have to write an entire dissertation to educate you on your own foibles of self-indulgent aggrandizement point-for-point, and posting something so incredibly whiny and pathetic tells me you lack the self-awareness to internalize anything I say anyways.

Fun fact my dude, Buffing classes have existed in MMOs since before World of Warcraft existed. The state of Augmentation’s numbers has nothing to do with it’s Identity as a Buffing Class. By calling for it’s removal you have announced you have the temperament and judgement of a child, and by the way you have conducted yourself in this discussion you have thoroughly confirmed that as fact. A conversation with you promises to be about as engaging and enlightening as plunging my head into the black lagoon, but I want to let this evoker know not every person is as hateful and septic as you are.

Better yourself; and good day, Sir.