Easy raids are not why people wanted classic

100% agree.

No. hes right. people dont play vanilla for challenging raids. They can play retail for that. From a gear perspective, the vanilla games are liked because the gear is MEANINGFUL. It generally lasts a long time, takes some time to get it, and is very impactful. You cant get any of this in LFR or retail in general. You throw all of your gear away every patch.


Gatekeeping doesn’t exist.

Casual players can be good.

Yes it is.

Easy, beer-and-pretzel raids are exactly what people wanted and exactly why people came here.

It’s supposed to be fun. Not a job.

Completable content is fun for everyone.

Hard content is fun for select people, and not fun for everyone else.

The game is intended for everyone, not select people.


This is why people wanted classic. Hate to quote myself since people only read titles apparently.

Nobody playing nost was saying “I want classic because retail is too hard”. These are the reasons that group wanted classic and are why we got it.

Then they could have just played LFR in retail. Clearly that wasn’t the reason since retail has a brain dead mode.

I said SoD people want brandead easy raids
not vanilla players :expressionless:

More pity than anything else, really. But people like you only read what you want to read so really, should I be surprised? :person_shrugging:

Case in point, you completely ignored my previous post clarifying just what my stance was because you couldn’t actually argue against it

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Yes, i know. There is a lot of overlap there and also some distinction. Era classic players literally have, for the rest of time, raids that are comparatively easy even to challenging TBC content, and the further along you go towards retail, the more dramatically that gap opens.

Not claiming that vanilla players want easy content, but if we include all currently available WoW end game pve content, they have the easiest raids.

I guess the dev team with all of the player data disagrees.

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Because the wow team always knows what’s best for players and make sound decisions. /s

This is an appeal to authority fallacy.


I just kind of want loot pinata raids. Chillin out with the boys. It’s fine. MMOs are for grinding. If I want challenge, I go PvP.


Well, it’s their word against yours, random lone stranger on the internet who insults and berates people who disagrees with them

How can anyone not trust you? /s


Having been playing this game since 2008 the biggest drop offs I’ve seen in this game have been whenever they try to cater to too many types of people. Or when they make attempts to remove social aspects from the game. They’ve chosen to cater to the much higher percentage of the playerbase on this change, and it doesn’t affect anything about the game socially.

If people were asking for lfr or something (even if it was the majority) then yeah, I’d say the devs shouldn’t cater to them. Not becuase lfr is easy, but because it removes a social aspect of the game. I understand that you don’t play classic because of the easy content, you play it because they removed so many of the mmo aspects of the game from retail. However if hard content is your main concern then yes, retail is the best answer for you. Join a guild, make some friends, and be as social as you want and do content as hard as you want, the options are there for you. You don’t have to play retail and que lfr/lfg and afk in a city.

No mmo is hard. Maybe wildstar was. But nothing else. Not retail, not ff14.

Mmos are dress up avatar chat boxes. This one let’s you pretend you’re in middle earth…errr azeroth.

They will never be hard. Move on.

Easy or hard people are forgetting the most important part, there is only ONE raid per content cycle.
Two raids would let one be harder than the other, challenge for some as they push without the gear in the hard raid, content for the others as they gear up for the hard raid.

No. What you want is a different game. Go try monster hunter.

Because saying stuff you disagree with and you cannot argue against is berating. /s

We might have that at 60. We have Karazan Crypts basically confirmed at this point, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they did something with Hyjal/Caverns of Time. Thats also not mentioning any of the original Classic raids as well.

I quit retail because of Welfare Epics, LFR, Pet Battles, Garrisons, homogenization of the classes, loss of talent trees, the “even your grandma can play!” mentality Blizz was applying to the game.

I do not want braindead easy content.

Hardest part about any version of WoW is your level of commitment.


Heh. Like incursions?

SoD is a psyop to get people back into retail. I myself have spent half of phase two in retail and am actually about to run some high isle trial with my ESO guild tonight for the first time.

I don’t find doing challenging PvE content enjoyable when you have to play with the Classic Playerbase. I prefer to pug and guilds are emotionally exhausting after 20 years. Other more difficult MMORPGs offer great challenging PvE content, but don’t force you to the ball and chain of a guild or the aging S keying, keyboard turning, Classic playerbase.

I would also like to mention Dragonflight has the best talent trees to ever exist in WoW and they’re doubling down on this next expansion with hero talents.