Easy fix for Bruttosaur mount

There doesn’t need to be a fix. It’s on the BMAH. It was freely available for anyone to purchase over the course of one of WoWs longest expansions. If you didn’t get it then, then too bad, wait for BMAH.

What’s the unfair advantage?

Guess you were one of those who thought engies shouldn’t have been able to access the AH in Dal or in MoP, because it was an advantage they didn’t have to return to a classic city to do the AH…

No advantage outside I can do it in my garrison or other cities where there is no AH or engie bot AH.

I think they didn’t realize how many people would buy gold to get the mount. I have it on my main account, and I was an AH goblin. I honestly cannot believe how many mounts there are as I know for a fact most players at the time were unable to make 1mil gold, nevermind 5mil gold for the mount.

ah sargeras , stop spreading misinformation its unobtainable since july 14 hotxfix thats 2 years ago

I’m not worried; it’ll eventually be a Twitch drop or Trading Post item.

id love that , but honestly 2 years and they havent fixed the bug that makes it unobtainable from the bmah

20$ Nevermind, it’s sunday.

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20k was an enormous investment for the Tundra Mammoth in Wrath, but two expansions later the roughly equivalent gold sink was sixfold with the Expedition Yak at 120k.

You may think 5 million is rare right now, but that number only gets easier and easier to obtain every expansion, and the post explicitly says it’s looking long term. Shadowlands legendaries printed money at the start of every patch, and early professions in Dragonflight made many players multiple millions in just a couple months. 5 million is already a significantly easier number to hit than during BfA, and it will only continue to get easier.

and yet here we are 4,8% players have it , oh the long run omg the powers that be !!
i see no reason to remove it besides this fomo excuse you just point out.
because i can have 2 chars on at the same time one sitting at the ah and another doing stuff, are they gonna remove that as well because they dont want low level alts sitting on ah ?
that excuse doesnt make sense , even more when there are system such as crafting benchs where you gotta stay in the city that has em to be able to craft stuff.

again if that were the case , make a better looking more convenient mount make the gold cap higher etc there are several ways we can walk this but coming with " uh we wanna make u stay in the city mon cuz we own u" doesnt make sense to me.

I would buy it

I would also like to buy it. I play WoW mostly for farming older content, and using the AH. When I heard it was leaving I was sitting on 2 million gold. I only had 3 months to farm the other 3 million gold.
I looked at it realistically and did the maths. The amount of time it was going to require to farm the gold, I was better off putting into my real-life accomplishments.

However, now that I have some more free time on my hands, I would like the opportunity to either continue the farm, or buy the mount outright.

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Put it on the trading post.

I mean. It was 5mill back in BfA because of gold inflation. If they brought it back, it should probably cost around 8-10mill adjusting for current gold value. But sure, bring it back.

While we’re at it, I would like the mop phoenix mounts back pls.

Nah just bring it back and put it back on the vendors it belongs on and let the players decide if they want it or not…none of the other high end gold mounts were removed or talked about being removed…then you got some players that keep parroting that the Long Boi was introduced as a time limited mount when it wasn’t.

It was just damn wrong to take it off the market…when the Mammoth was introduced not many back in 2008 had enough gold to buy it or the motorcycle either…still to this day you have newer players buying mammoths or the Yak to add to their stables…


worse part is completely unobtainable since july 14 2021 hotfix to add it to the lootboxes , its being 2 years and cant get it on bmah

I know Mamooru…and still nobody has found one in a loot box either…which says its not there either…

No just bring it back to vendor at the original price of 5 Million …

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i can agree with this miss Moused , truth be told there was no reason to remove it , people in forums regurgitate the same thing " but da AH is game changing mon , us cant has it cuz i has it first " makes no sense i can run 2 clients and have 1 alt sitting on ah while i do some others stuff , is it worth it atm ? not really because ah is plagued by bots and the economy is crashed hardcore but i can .
i like the brutosaur same reason i like the yak , is a big mount and i like brontosaurs a lot.
Saddest part of this whole ordeal they bugged /shadow removed it from the bmah and they wont acknowledge it .


For most it was but not for some of us that planned ahead before LK went live…3 months before LK went live I was busting my butt in game to make gold…I brought my Mammoth Nov 26, 2008 13 days after LK went live…3 weeks later I built the Chopper with my Engi here…and that wasn’t cheap to buy either it was $15,000 just for parts at the K3 camp…so in less then 6 weeks I spent over 35,000 gold I had acquired…what helped me even get more gold was that one part you needed for quest in LK…I was making a ton of gold off that too …

And here is the silly thing now I didn’t buy it cause of the AH being on it I brought it for its looks and it was a one of kind mount…I have been playing since 2008 and always had one toon parked in Iron Forge to do all my AH/bank work…and still do have that toon there add in I have a Horde toon now same thing …as I play horde for mounts and pets and toys that Alliance can’t get…and now with the changes they did you can send gold back and forth between each side now …long gone are the days of using the Special AH in Booty Bay to move gold from Alliance too Horde …

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There is nothing to “fix”.