Easy fix for Bruttosaur mount

Add to Blizzard store for like USD 19,90. Everyone has a shot to get it and who got for gold, well, you saved USD 19,90.

edit: wow. So much people angered by a simple suggestion on how to kill 2 ducks with 1 shot.


I’d never get 5million gold to buy it. The gold inflation over the years is astounding. I remember when gil went to insane values in FF11.

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Wouldn’t that ultimately just reduce confidence in the game because in the first instance many people who bought it did so with tokens.


What ive never understood is why blizz even removed it.

Its purpose was gold sink. Why remove that

Have they ever removed a vendor before? And if they were trying something special where is the equivalent in SL and DF?

It was just outta left field. One day i eventually have enough and would have liked to buy but ah well.


inflation doesn’t exist.
WoW token is cheaper than it was on Shadowlands


And leave another 32 tokens’ worth of sales on the table?

Blizzard might be stupid, but they’re not crazy.


Going from buying epic mount riding at 100g to epic flight riding at 4000g is inflation.

As an example…

Why would Blizz add it to the store for 20 bucks ? If they ever put into the shop they could easily charge like 400$+ and there will be quite a bit of ppl buy it. The orginal cost 500$ and the currently it would go about 10mil which comes to 1000$+.


that’s a stupid “fix”

here’s a better fix: they should just put it on a vendor for 15 mil gold.


Lock to 12 month subscription reward


The Humane Society strongly encourages that all dogs, cats and bruttosaurs be fixed. Responsible ownership and all that.

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The 12-monthers pay less per month than month-to-monthers do and then get mounts for free, so no token sales at all.

This is not how you impress the Blizzard beancounters.

the purpose wasn’t a gold sink - it was a reward for players who made the effort to earn gold over a long period of time. They removed it because they wanted to keep pumping gold into the game for new players, yet they didn’t want it to be too easy to get so that it was everywhere.

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The point was that they DID leave it on the table. It’s no longer available for purchase from the vendor.

That might be your point, but it was not the point of Mr. “Put It Back Real Cheap to Make Players Feel Bad While Blizzard Cuts Off Its Nose to Spite Its Face” to whom I was responding.

Still available in the black market auction house.


Giving a mobile auction house was more power then they wanted mounts to have. Much like how the orginal travelers mammoth had its own hp bar and could be killed.

And how would we buy that when our characters can only hold 10 million gold at a time?

Just put it up for 5 million, should have never gone away.


Get lucky and win. Some things in life that are truly sought after can’t just be bought with $. Sometimes there’s a bit of luck involved.

Fair enough, I mistakenly thought you believed Blizzard wouldn’t be so crazy as to remove an item from the game that potentially sold many gold tokens. Because apparently, they ARE that crazy.