Easy entry class for a complete beginner

First you gotta decide what sorta class u want

Do you like having pets?




Melee DPS?

Caster DPS?

Gotta try it to know really, lore/flavor is part of it. But mostly about deciding what you prefer for gameplay IME. I don’t like pet classes for example

In many ways wow and other “tab targeting” mmos are mostly just turn based RPGs with a very short turn timer that can overlap and you add in movement. Moving around and things you may find a bit difficult, but the rest of it you should find very familiar. There are some things off the global but that’s something to wrry about once you’ve mastered the basics

If you can move around competently in fallout with a keyboard and mouse, you’ll do fine here that’s all the skill u need beyond knowing how to hit ur binds.



Free Food/Water
Always invited to dungeon groups if a spot is available
Not very gear dependent
Best farmers in the game
Can sheep preying players of the opposing faction and scoot away.

Warrior is good.
Can not really miss with a warrior, it is a basic character type
that most everyone understands in it’s most basic.

Hunters are fun
I wont say they are easy, but at low levels they make it feel easy
Gets more challenging as you level.

Druids are fun if you are not quite sure what you want, as they can do a bit of everything with out specializing.
They can maybe be a bit frustrating later, as the gear is not well itemized for them but things do work out.

Other classes are great, no class really sucks, but some are more complicated in creating well.
I think either of the 3 i mentioned would let you run around and have a lot of fun with very little experience or knowledge.

I think the core rotation and gameplay style of hunter is pretty easy, but there are a couple of things that could trip up a player who has stated:

and especially

Er yea, that does pose a problem with the druid thing.
I missed that he said that :frowning:

Heh, and the hunter i think?

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Hunter is the easiest to lvl but hardest to master as someone said the term huntard was created in vanilla for a reason.

I would 2nd the thought of trying each class to 20 and see what suits your playstyle just stay away from bgs because of the toxic twinks that have taken over.

So you want to play undead. That gives you warrior, priest, warlock, mage, and rogue. You want a non-complex rotation for PvE and a class that is easy to learn and not very punishing with poor play but still able to be competent. Most classes in classic don’t have very complex rotations but the simplest of those classes to still be adequate with would be either a rogue, a mage, or (for leveling) a priest.

Mage dps mostly consists of spam frostbolt or fireball depending on the content. Rogue dps depends on if you use a dagger or not but the most forgiving would be to not use a dagger. Not using a dagger means you hit things with Sinister Strike and when your combo points reach maximum you used Eviscerate. There are of course other options but that’s probably the simplest. For a priest when leveling you get a wand, use Power Word: Shield, and then attack with your wand, healing when necessary. Priest gets more stuff to do at max level or in a dungeon healing which will make it more complex but for leveling solo, shield + wand = win.

The most complex part of being a mage is understanding and learning how to use your crowd control effects like polymorph and frost nova. For a rogue is it learning when to use your combo points for something other than eviscerate, be it Slice and Dice in raids/dungeons, or Cheap Shot for stunning your enemies so you can keep yourself alive a bit longer to either finish off the enemy or to run away. For a priest the complexity, as mentioned, would be learning how to properly heal or, if you go shadow, how to dps without expending your mana very, very quickly.

For my money, the simplest and safest role you can choose as a beginner is a dps, so I would lean more to rogue or mage over priest. Mages can be played very safe and can be used in every situation while rogues are more risky and can find it tough to be useful in some scenarios. Both have very good abilities to escape danger or avoid it entirely, such as rogue stealth. They both also put out great damage without having to try very hard.

Even though I play a rogue and would recommend it, I think a mage would fit what you want better, they are very self sufficient, they have very strong single target attacks like the rogue, but they also have many AoE attacks that the rogue lacks. They also have more utility than a rogue does and can handle more dangerous scenarios when things go wrong, unless as a rogue you just vanish.

So there’s my recommendation, playing a mage would be the safest choice. If you want a little more risk the try a rogue, and if you are feeling even more adventurous then give a priest a try for more variety.

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Not for a beginner.


Lvl hunter.

WIth Undead race & PvE preferences, I would say that a Mage is the easiest to play, & the easiest to find groups (if you want them) as a DPS class.

i would say hunters are the easiest but you won’t get the full vanilla experience as they changed hunters for this verson. you cant do a intlect volley build because they put a 1min cd on volley unlike how it really was so i would say lock would be the best route for solo play

Warlocks can be fun as well. They are kind of like a hunter as you will have a tank pet to help you level. Its very easy and you can take on multiple mobs.

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I dunno, this is the first druid, and caster that i ever played.
It did not seem too hard to get the hang of, and i thought it was a lot of fun.

Warrior was what i started with in vanilla and played through tbc.
Figured if i could manage it, then it cant be that bad?
I dunno?

Correct. You dunno.

Warrior and drood are two of the more difficult toons for a newbie to play.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

My very first toon was a warrior, and this druid i played blind rather than research anything.
But, it is possible that i personally never actually qualified for the OP’s criteria and can not see it from the angle you see it from.

Anyways, not going to fight with you, or i wont get a sparkle pony in BC.

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My vote is for warlock.

I’d never played one before and rolled an undead alt for Classic. The situational control is great and the guide below worked fine for me. Leveling was pretty fun and fast as the life / mana exchange meant virtually no downtime. I do have a partner who leveled as shadow priest and the synergy was very good.

As far as the RPG aspect, I mained undead priest in Vanilla. The conflict between the Light and Shadow is really amplified imo in a Forsaken. Makes for a lot of interesting role play. I can see equally fascinating scenarios for a lock as well. Mages are boring, timid casters that would never think of taking a walk on the wild side.

If you want to go undead, go Warlock.

The only one of the classes undead can be that heal is priest, so I’ll start with that. Questing and leveling isn’t bad once you get your early talents (level 10-20) and a wand. Healing can be relatively easy if you know how to work with a party grid, but it take a bit more quick on-the-draw thinking, and not doing well can hurt a whole group. It can also take more setup because of that swapping between solo role of doing damage and group role of healing. If you can do it, though, this is a great class to play. (They can also be caster DPS in a raid, but debuff slots as an issue means many raid groups only want one shadow priest.)

Next up is the tank role, for which undead only have warrior. Warriors, for some people, can be rather rough to level until they hit 30-40, moreso if you’re new and don’t have resources (gold for gear/weapon upgrades, other people to help with key class quests). Tanking for {random} groups can also lead to burning out on ever wanting to tank again. But if you find you like tanking, it can be very rewarding.

Caster DPS role, your choices are warlock or mage. Mage is almost always needed in raids, but there’s a huge population of them so you’d be competing with a lot of people. Warlock is a bit gimped in a raid by the limit on debuffs, so not all raids want many. Both can be good for leveling, but have different styles. Mages burn hard and fast, but then stop and drink, while warlocks have the slower burn, but use their enemies to replenish them along the way.

Finally, melee DPS - rogue and warrior. My understanding is DPS warriors are the flip-side of mages - raids want them, but there are a lot of them. And they still have the leveling process that ‘needs’ gear, weapons, and assistance at various points. Rogues have a lot of fun tools while leveling, such as pick-pocketing, lock-picking, vanish, sprint, poison crafting, but in a raid they’re pretty much stabbing and waiting on energy regen, with their poisons gimped by the debuff limits.

Really, though, I find that sometimes it’s little quirks that make us like or dislike a class - and no amount of other people saying it’s easy changes which one clicks with us. Don’t be afraid to level one of each until one catches your fancy. The earlier levels do go faster.

Shadow Priest is stupid easy to level. Then if you decide to get more into the game - you can learn to heal raids; so you havent leveled a character that is useless (hunter).