Easy entry class for a complete beginner

Depends on your play style, but I would suggest;


Hunter, mage, or warlock.

It is fun to sneak around. Fun playstyle.

Thanks everyone for the great feedback. I’ve decided to roll a mage based on the many suggestions (Hunter is unavailable to forsaken), and so far I’m really liking it. My wife is leveling a priest and duo leveling with her is awesome. I’m working on getting a wand ASAP to make things even easier. I also like the way undead casters look in cloth more than in melee class armor. Thanks again.

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by far the most easy class to play after level 10 is a hunter with a tank type pet. you will be able to do solo what other classes need a group for. my current hunter is lvl 42 and has no trouble killing elietes of equal level sometimes 2 to 3 at a time. no other class can do that not even warlocks.

as for ease of rotation its very simple hunters mark and viper sting and auto attack. you can toss in arcane shot but its better to save the mana for mend pet. 90% of your damage is from auto attack and its more then enough.

and don’t let the retarded posts that say hunter is the lowest dps fool you hunter is not the lowest dps at 42 i was in a group with people 3 and 4 lvls above me and did nothing but serpent shot and auto attacks the entire time and i finished dungeon 40,000 damage ahead of everyone else.

when people judge hunter they do so on dps can you out burst a mage or rogue or warrior in a 10 second parse going full out? hunters are not a burst damage class there a sustained damage class and you can sustain your damage near forever. what people need to be looking as is total damage done not dps. because it doesn’t matter what that mage did in 10 seconds it matters what he did for 20 min boss fight in total.

Hunter or warlock ? Pets really help during leveling.

Rogue is a fantastic starter class. Has several escape options and you can pick your battles. Just learn cooking and first aid (alchemy/herb is nice for leveling too) youll be set. In pvp just make a few friends and rouge really shines as you help scout and set up killer ambushes as you sap / stunlock while your pals blow em up.

Yeah , true stealth does help to.