Easy entry class for a complete beginner

Mage, Hunter, Paladin, and Shaman are all pretty easy to learn.

Warrior and druid are probably the most complex, but that’s not to say they are hard to play.

Mage. Easy raid rotation and some complexity/room to grow with things like aoe farming. You’ll also be able to conjure your own food and water, and portal around the world. Very efficient and convenient class.

Second would be paladin. Class was built to be easy to hop onto although you’ll probably end up healing in raid which is basically spamming flash heal one person at a time. Ret can be done but it’ll never outperform the dps focused classes.

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I’d say go undead priest.

Get a good wand, and you’re gtg for easy leveling. You also have the ability to heal dungeons, which is pretty easy to do an acceptable job of. If you get to end game and want to keep progressing, you’ll be able to find a raid group pretty easily.

Hunter or warlock

Rogue. Super fun and if you go girl gnome you look super cute and have great sound when you die.


As an undead, I suggest Mage.

I have macros on my female gnome rogue alt that laugh at the target whenever I attack from stealth or backstab

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for easy mode leveling and soloing / 1v1 go mage or lock, but if you want to actually find dungeon groups in an mmo within an hour or two youd have the play a class that can either tank or heal (which as undead is warrior or priest). Raiding is different cause most raid guilds have dedicated tanks / healers (although youd likely find a healer spot easy enough)

Also you don’t want to tank, it is the most stressful role in group play (bad tanks wipe groups)

IMO Mage and Paladin are probably the best beginner classes.

Rogue is pretty easy for PVE and open world do not recommend it for PVP.

Hunter is kind of a noob trap. not only do you need to actively manage your pet by sending it to attack the right targets and make sure it doesn’t face pull things you need to feed it. You need to know how the pet training system works and which random pets across the world give which spell ranks.

Yeah the thought of tanking is stressful for me. Too much responsibility

I really don’t see warlocks as entry level. They aren’t super-difficult, but they have way more going on than hunters, mages, paladins.

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Ugh. Now I want to roll a gnome rouge.

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Well yeah, and they are also quite squishy (esp for a new player). Stock up on potions if you go mage.

*They are fun and there is room to grow, but yeah, start slow lol.


I skimmed through these posts to check if they offered this piece of advice: Mr. OP, you stated you are not good at PvP, I would strongly advise you roll your class of choice for Undead on a PvE server such as Mankrik, or an RP server.
Since Undead are limited to Priest, Rogue, Warlock, Mage, and Warrior, a hunter is out of the question. I would say priest/mage, or rogue or warlock.
Priest allows you a healer/DPS option. Mage with lots of CC in the frost tree.
Rogue, pick your battle.
Warlock: As easy as leveling a hunter, but a completely different play style. Warlock is the only Mana using class in the game that can use life points to return Mana points with out the use of certain items that other casters use, those items being dark runes and demonic runes.

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This was my experience as someone picking up classic who had very limited prior wow experience who rolled a mage. The dying while solo questing was frustrating at first, but I figured it out sooner or later. I love playing a mage, but if you aren’t well versed in wow…it might be better for a beginner to pick a leather wearing DPS class for ease of leveling.

4 of 6 classes listed aren’t available for undead.

May I suggest sharpening your reading comprehension with “See Spot Run”?

I’d probably recommend priest. You can do enough damage to kill stuff (slowly lol) while still having the benefit of healing yourself.

mage,hunter,ele or enhance shaman imo.

Plenty of irresponsible warriors. go for it

Mage is a low skill floor + high skill ceiling class. While the PvE rotation is frostbolt, in PvP you will be controlling a lot of space using a lot of your skills.

(I can only speak as a mage.)

Also, when AQ comes out you can switch to Fire, so you can have options for PvE content.