Easy entry class for a complete beginner

Hello all,

So I am jumping into Wow classic, but I have very little to no experience with MMOs. I played retail Wow a couple years ago but only to around level 30. I didn’t care for it because I felt I wasn’t actually learning the game’s mechanics, or that I was just expected to catch on easily.

I’m looking for a class that is easy to learn the core mechanics of, one that can perform decently without flawless gameplay on my part. I do know that I want to play as an undead. I plan on playing only PVE, leveling through quests and would like to get into raiding later on. I don’t mind if the leveling process is slow, as I will be leveling to get into the universe’s lore and setting. I also am open to any role (DPS, tank, or healer).

Some relevant info about me as a gamer. I am not very good at games. I have always played mainly turned based or action RPGs for the story and systems (Final Fantasy, Fallout, Skyrim, etc.). I’m terrible at shooters or other PvP games. So I want a class that a below average gamer can still do decently well with. Something that won’t overwhelm me with intricate rotations or builds. Like I stated I want to play as undead, that is the only thing I am sure of. I just like the designs and lore of the race. So any of the 5 classes available to undead I would be open to. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.

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Mage. The rotation is frostbolt.


My honest suggestion is that if you are newer to MMORPG especially one like WoW. That you try a PvE or RP server simply to enjoy playing without the hassle of being constantly unable to play the game due to being camped for whatever reason.

Also just enjoy it and go try every single class to level 20. Youll find what you enjoy even if you dont think you are good at it.


I’d go rogue to start. Easy enough rotation to be able to kill stuff, but lots of room to get better at the class and be amazing. All without really worrying about CC or group buffs.


Mage or hunter. (Beastmastery hunter is ezmode.)

Wowhead has very good leveling guides:

Roll on a decent sized Normal/PvE server.


As much as i’d like to go into how much more complexity & depth there is to playing a mage - mainly in small groups, pvp, and a bit for fire pve - i have to admit, it’s stupid easy to jump into as a beginner.


All love to rogues, but this is a terrible suggestion.


He’s asking about Classic WoW.

my bad frost mage then one button spam for raids.


This is a good point, probably more raid spots for mage than hunter.

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the only bad point about a mage is there are so many…lol.


Hunter would be your best bet if you’re just starting out. While mages are “easy mode”, having a pet to tank for you while questing will save you from A LOT of deaths.

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I would say Mage or Hunter. Leveling is a huge part of Classic WoW, especially for a new player who will take longer on the journey to 60.

Hunter is, above and beyond, the quickest, most efficient, most forgiving, and easiest class to level.

Mage is also a great leveler, with an infinite amount of water/food, good kiting ability, and probably the most in-demand DPS spec for groups (at max level too).

I’d pick one of these two.

Same with hunter. A really well played hunter is a sight to behold.

mages have more of a shot getting in to raids vs a hunter all from what i have seen from twitch classic wow streamers is like 10 mages and only 4 or 5 hunters in raids.

Undead cannot be hunter unfortunately as a few have suggested while I agree this is a good starter class. Warlocks are available and have a pet as well! However, I’d have to also suggest trying out each of the classes to about level 20. It’s not that much of a time commitment and you’ll get a good feel for the play style of each class.

Don’t listen to people, Warrior is what you need.



Bad idea.

Vanilla is where the term “Huntard” originated. There’s a good reason for that.

Mage would be the better choice. It’s a stupid easy class in Classic.

Seems to me you are looking to play a warlock. Lots of class lore with class quests, leveling with a pet make its easier. Specially with the drain tank build later on. You get a free mount at 40 so that’s nice for a new player. Also you CAN get your epic mount for very cheap compared to everyone else. There are a decent amount of raid spots for locks. Their endgame rotation is simple with mostly spamming shadowbolt while keeping your assigned curse up.

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