Easier Method of Obtaining Tusks of Mannoroth in WoW Remix: Pandaria?

Seems like Blizz is really handing out rare items like candy lately

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Yeah it’s disappointing. Some things should be able to remain rare.

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God forbid a life-wasting item gives people a reasonable way to work towards it.


Does BoP plate cosmetic mean we’ll still have to use a plate character to unlock the item, or could I unlock the cosmetic as a priest for my plate characters?

There’s going to be so many Kmart Garrosh clones running around if this is the case.


No it’s not.

There are plenty of rare items left in the game. Stop being dramatic.


As a tusk owner since 2018 I’m happy with this change. The raid was such a pain to run through over the years before the skip, my hat goes off for those that ran those halls a lot longer than me.


Very few items in the game are rare. 95%+ of items are able to be easily aquired.

And…since when is simply stating my opinion dramatic :joy:

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Tusks are easily acquired, it’s just RNG. Most “rare” items are easily acquired but are limited by RNG. There’s nothing special about luck.

Talking about how you wish “some” items remain rare when the vast majority of RNG items remain the same they’ve been for years.


Whatever semantic game you want to play, they’re rare and should stay that way.

Got it, opinions you disagree with = dramatic. :roll_eyes:. Toxic casuals I swear.


Because it’s something you disagree with doesn’t mean it’s dramatic.

You can disagree with this person and they can disagree with you without any of it being dramatic.

The drama comes in as soon as you start bringing it . . . Like you did lol

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Oh no, Blizzard is helping players out with obtaining items, oh, lets just vent like the world is going to end…


Not according to Blizzard.

Not at all. You were acting like most rare items just became readily available. Maybe you should learn to read what I’m saying instead of making something up to suit your stance.


The drama was already there. Acting like most rare items are now just put on vendors.

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I can’t believe this guy is for real. Anywhoo, just wanted to state my simple opinion here lmao :v:

Where did I say that champ :joy:

You’re acting like most rare items are going to be readily available.

You’re putting words in my mouth / creating a strawman champ. Can you re-read that and try again? I was sharing my opinion on the Tusks of Mannoroth and this change.

I’m reading the words you typed. It’s not my fault if you can’t convey what you really mean.

Doesn’t matter. Blizzard thinks differently.

Looking forward to copy and pasting this quote next time I see a QQ opinion from you. Anywhoo I got better things to do :v:

Rare items should remain rare! :slight_smile: