Transmog for all classes with same armor type

It’s transmog. We have heritage armor, cosmetic sets, yeti onesie, etc. That ship sailed long ago.


Hey how’s it going? <3. I don’t think that matters here, as Blizzard thinks differently.

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I must have really struck a nerve with you lol.

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The amount of shaman transmog i would want my hunter to wear is criminal. Yes plz.

Don’t flatter yourself, just having some fun as I come across your complaints :slight_smile:

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I agree on all armor types, no so much restricting the class sets. So many sets are available just as dungeon loot drops, that it doesn’t make all that much sense to keep them separate.

Granted I might be a bit biased. There’s a set of priest gloves I’d love to wear on my mage, but it’s a tier set piece, and one which doesn’t have a raid appropriate non-set version for other cloth classes to use.

Complaint? Just stating my opinion on the topic.

I just want to be able to mog one-handers over two-handers. Not a large ask but Blizz has never done it. Even though some one-handers and two-handers are of similar size.

Alright I’m satisfied lmao :v:


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Keeping the armor type restrictions makes no sense given all the look alike sets. And we can wear most, if not all, “silly”/holiday/etc. outfits on any class regardless of armor type.

I do like class and racial armor remaining locked, BUT I wouldn’t be upset if they lifted all restrictions.

Sure, why not.

In fact, let’s remove all class distinctions!

Then my character can be a human rogue that wears plate armor, uses arcane magic with one hand and a cross bow, oh heck any bow, with the other and has a n’zoth battle companion that tanks for her! And she can turn into a snake and a lasher and a moth and take a lightform and a voidform! Any time!

Hey, Blizzard should remove ALL race distinctions too.

Humans should be allowed to be green like orcs or blue like trolls. Oh, and have pink hair like gnomes. And gnomes should be able to be as tall as tauren. And speaking of tauren, they should be allowed to have vulpera ears and worgen snouts. Personally, I think having a blue dwarf with draenei hoofs and those wild night elf eyebrows would be fun!

Who cares about distinction, flavor and immersion. Homogenization for everything!

I cannot stand the hunter sets. Preach.

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Seems to be a lot of agreement on hunter mogs specifically.
A lot of hunter players over my time in here have complained that no really good hunter sets were being added to the game.
I love a lot of the chain sets, dont get me wrong but they seem to be more aimed at shaman than hunter for the most part.

But I do love that Eagletalon set.

You’re not wrong. Also, mail on a hunter never made sense to me. I understand they were balancing armor types and classes, but mail? On a hunter?

Hunters should have been leather. Heck, maybe even Shams too. Just Cloth, Leather, Plate, the end.

Edit: Or Studded, as a happy medium between leather and mail.

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youre right. chain makes noise, a HUNTER… real one, is going to be as quiet as possible…not sounding like a pocket full of rattling change lol

100% agree.
Feels like an afterthought or something
“hey guys, we dont have enough classes wearing chain”
“meh…just toss hunter in there”

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I’ll admit that one is pretty nice. Its low-key.

My hunter is a Pandaren and I try to stay on-brand, so the only class set I use pieces from is the MoP Malevolent Gladiator set (cloud serpent theme). Both the purple set and orange recolor have some good mix-match pieces.

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I think u have a point when u say about a rogue using plate, that is a bit strange… but like I said in the post, there is no reasons for a paladin not mog into a plate of warrior tier set, because some items u can drop, looks the same of the tier set… so, what is the idea?

My opinion: plate can mog into any plate, doesnt matter if its tier set of a class or not. Same for leather, cloth and mail. But plate cant mog into leather or mail mog into cloth.

eh…heres my rogue, lmao

NOTHING roguey about that monstrosity. lol

This is the gospel right here and the ultimate destiny of wow fashion. Nothing more, nothing less.

Well except maybe a few more weapon restrictions where it makes sense. Like swords for shaman, war glaives for anyone that can dual wield, etc

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