Earthfury needs help

Thank you for your reasonable response.

I’m in the exact same situation but half my friends are panicking like OP here. Personally, I’m looking forward to slow but steady population growth and not having to poo my pants when layering is removed in phase 2 :slight_smile:


Trust me, it’s not just earthfury. Arcanite is a ghost town. Not a single person in org lol.


After a month or so when things settle down, isn’t Blizzard going to merge some servers?

god its so empty, I am literally talking only to same 40 people all day

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Bahahaha. Do you actually think that? Let’s say the realm does in fact die. Does that mean their account is ruined?!?

Quit being so dramatic. I just ditched a lvl 30 lock to reroll. Who actually cares?!?

Classic will be here for years and years to come. The past few weeks are minuscule…

Ruined… RUINED!!!


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I’m staying here. Its nice and quiet for now, but that will change soon I’m sure.

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You aren’t some elite nihilist super hero for not caring about starting over.


Agreed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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This is exactly right. I don’t think people realize just how overstuffed the servers are right now. 5-10x larger than the original vanilla servers. Layering is the only thing keeping that manageable and was always intended as a temporary measure to deal with the initial surge. Once it’s removed, the high pop queues that are improving right now will be back for good until people move.

Far as I know, Blizzard delayed new character creation by 1 day so that transfers could have their names.

Hopefully it evens out soon. Also, a lot of realms are dead outside prime-time, so wait until then.

Regardless of what you think about everything in this forum. Can we at least agree that layering a dead realm into 10 more dead layers is idiotic? The realm might actually have some life to it without layering. I understand layering on Herod etc because of the amount of people, but Earthfury has 3 people in Stormwind. I’m pretty sure the servers could manage having all 10 people there.


How do you know it’s even layered? Layering is supposed to fill up first before opening a second layer. If it’s as dead as u say I doubt there is more than one layer.


Are you on Earthfury by chance?

Id wait until people can actual roll new characters there.

Because I’ve grouped with people and switched layers, lol. Not that hard to figure out.

People have been able to roll new characters there for days

no they havent good lord

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I transferred there from Herod. I am lvl 31 and there’s almost nobody in any of the zones I am in. How long has this server been up? How does Blizzard continue to screw up the launch of Classic so terribly? You would think they’d have thought out and outlined all of these situations in advance outlined in a Plan of Action or something similar.

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Its ya fault for abandoning your reasons for staying in the first place. Now all you have done here is making sure no one else will transfer there. Nice move.

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Open paid transfers or merge servers already. I made a mistake believing in blizzard and arcanite reaper hasn’t even had 50 players concurrently yet from /who when i’ve been on