Earthfury needs help

Ok why are you still on skeram than. Oh ya I forgot a huge influx of new levelers are looking to roll on a low pop instead of all the medium servers still out there

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Can you provide a source for that? It would be good to know, as that’s a pretty huge change from how it worked in vanilla and would really mess with how ranks are achieved. Would save me the trouble of ever even bothering with it at all if it’s true.

We had organized groups basically setting the upper limit for honor on our server, to keep it more reasonable to achieve. If those groups now have to communicate cross realm, it’s going to essentially create a system where only account sharing can achieve rank 14. More likely it creates a system where nobody can possibly achieve rank 14 at all because they can’t maintain those leading spots for so many weeks in a row with that much competition.

So much this. They shouldn’t have opened new servers for these transfers. It should have been to other medium population servers.

Earthfury is going to die soon and I feel bad for the people that moved there.


I cannot understand why people are defending this. What people were asking for was transfers to medium pop existing servers. Made zero sense to create new servers and limit them to specific servers for transfers.


Does seem odd that we wouldn’t simply fill the existing servers. Can only think of two reasons:

  • Devs underestimated how stubborn the players are in their refusal to transfer.

  • Concerns over making sure that transferees could obtain the names they wanted.

You should look at what comes in phase 2 (honor) and what comes in phase 3 (bgs)

Most likely that one. Some people, for whatever reason, are insanely attached to their name. Gotta have it, lol.


In 15 years of playing this game , this is the first time I’ve capitalized on a free transfer . This has probably been mentioned but…I think my biggest concern is why would Blizzard open up 3 brand new servers ? I get west coast /east coast . Seems like we lack the players to fill them . I hope I am wrong !

It is to early to merge relms and its going to cause problems with people losing names. This is why people stay on high pop. Losing your name blows

They will merge the low pop realms if they need to, DON’T WORRY, be grateful that you are not on a server full of layering exploiters.

Most likely based on internal calculations of just how overpopulated those realms were.

Now all they have to do is change the realm population limits to normal to let the queue skyrocket and convince people to go over to them.

When people realize they have 14 hour queues to get in, they will swap.


Yep, would have massively preferred moving off of Stalagg to Benediction where a number of our group started alts after hitting 5+ hr queues every night last week. Not sure what to do now…

I’m happy they opened up xfers to Netherwind, started playing on it like a day after it opened and the population was on the lower side (decent during peak times though.) I would just say for people not to be scared by a server thats “medium” pop because as blizzard said, the medium pop servers of today are bigger than high pop servers in vanilla.

Can confirm about Skeram. Last night when I got home from work it was a 30 minute wait. Previous nights were an hour or more.

Please open more free transfers to Earthfury. The guild just moved here from Herod to avoid the 3 hour+ queues and it seriously feels like a private server now.


Just because you have that mentality doesn’t mean everyone else does.

I fully expect to put tens of thousands of hours into this game. I’ve re rolled from a 30 warlock to join a friend on another realm.

Even a hundred hours put into a character is just “meh” at this point. Especially when you consider that Classic isn’t going to vanish anytime soon.
There are others who think similar to how I do.


Blizz will reduce layers in gradual prep to remove all layers…que times for Skeram, Herod, ect will most likely go back up soonish…

You’re probably on a dead layer. Try hoping.

Good private servers held more population upon opening with no layering.


Agree with the overall sentiment of this thread. Blizzard needs to take nigh-immediate, drastic action to prevent Earthfury from remaining a graveyard and ruining the play experience of everyone who transferred here. Players making new characters seldom choose the lowest population server, especially with a healthy smattering of medium / medium-high pops with minimal queues to choose from. And with queues on Herod and Skeram diminishing further by the day, the pressure necessary to build a healthy population on Earthfury through transfers simply isn’t there.

Please don’t leave the status quo as is.