Earthfury needs help

Ty, SENSE <<<3

why do transfers have to be “paid”? They can just let high pop realms move to dead servers of their choice for free.

wait 2 weeks? what a joke. be real here

Blizzard needs to remove layering now to force peoples hands. People will change their tune real quick when the 15k queues come back.


You guys should join the Earthfury Server Discrod when you get a chance:


*sorry cant post links yet you’ll have to remove the ( & )

We have people running Census mods thoughout the day to try & track the growth of the server.

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layers do not remove queue times, they just make it way better in the zones themselves. Same amount of total people exist online.

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Blizzard please tell us there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. This dead server is super depressing.

I am seriously considering abandoning my character and starting over again…

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You know that two mega realms had hordes of players transfer to Earthfury, right? If it is what you say, you’re probably on a less-populated layer. Relax.

Earthfury is listed at LOW right now.
Herod is listed at FULL right now.
Skeram is listed at FULL right now.

Yes hordes of players moved to Earthfury, that happened. Just lol.

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Sorry, hadn’t realized honor didn’t come until phase 2.

People are never happy lmao. Queues are always best


last time, layers have nothing to do with population. Talk about being ignorant.

Can’t. They locked character creation on transfer realms to give people moving a chance to get their names.

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The dead servers need help. link servers, paid transfers, anything. this is depressing…

I logged in this morning, early I know, and /who returned two other people in UC.

I’m a little worried…

Nobody wants to leave their server and take a gigantic risk going to a “new” low pop server. Billion dollar company and this is legit all we get???

They allow xfers but ONLY ALLOW you to move to a crappy low pop server instead of a medium pop one.

What in the actual F?

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Earthfury currently only has a single layer. On Teldrassil, it has as many people in its single layer as Deviate Delight, a healthy medium population server, has in both its layers put together. The fact that it’s only a single layer does suggest that that people are transferring or rolling low level characters to check it out rather than transferring mains.

Of course, that means transferring you main in will allow you to be at the top of the pyramid. That should be advantageous in a lot of ways.

I think it will be okay, though I agree with those saying that reducing server capacities back down to put pressure on people to transfer would be appropriate.

Herod queue was over 5000 when I got in an hour ago. Its at 3000 now so another hour or two maybe.

there is no pyramid with nothing at the base

Low = high in Vanilla context.

Just lol.