Earthfury needs help

I’d say grind your rank 14 and wait for phase 2. People will be screaming to get off Herod when layering is removed. Blizzard should reopen free transfers then, but only to Earthfury.

And yeah, the suggestion to taper the cap back down to increase the queue pressure is probably a good one.


A simple fix would be to remove a few layers and lower max capacity from the full servers get that queue back to 20-30k with a few hours and folks will move.


I meant friends as in the masses of horde on that server, but population in general as well. If even a quarter of the people took the initiative to transfer the problem would probably be solved. The issue is everyone is handing off the blame to someone else instead of stepping up. Not my problem though, have fun sitting in queue!

I’m on Arcanite Reaper with no que lint brain.

You blamed him for not bringing his friends, which is nonsensical. Your both insulting people in ques, and chastising people who moved away from ques. You don’t know what to think do you.

That’s not how it works lol.

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Transfers were a good idea.
The way it was done? Absolutely terrible. New servers weren’t even needed in the first place and they missed the point of people wanting to reunite with friends from other servers.


They should have dumped the increased cap at the same time. IMO. I’d imagine they plan on doing that before too long though.

That is exactly how it works. I did the grind in vanilla. The fewer people participating, the lower your competition, and the easier you can get one of the top slots for contribution every week with less work.


It’s not like that with cross realm try again

Hasn’t it been only one day? Not even that?

It’s been almost 3 days

Even with cross realm, its still relative to your own server performance. On a low pop server, the thresholds are still typically lower than on a high pop one.

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I’m guessing they will reevaluate this decision after the weekend. You guys wanted no queues you got no queues. Servers take a while to fill up. The initial WoW craze has died down, from here on out it should be a steady stream of people being introduced to the game (that takes time), and there are a number of server to chose from.

My guess is Blizzard thought at least 1-5K people will transfer off Skeram and Herod each. Thus creating something like a medium pop server. (Perhaps that will happen), but a lot of people are in the “let’s wait mentality and allow others to transfer”. Even friends who are Drs and advanced professionals with limited time preferred to stay on this server through the queues rather than transfer off. Skeram is our home for the long haul. Queues or no queues. C’est la vie.

I feel like this is massive overreaction consider how few days the server has been up. That being said I also feel like the easier fix would just be to combine Heartseeker & Earthfury. Either way its WAY too early for this kind of mass panic.

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I agree with combining Heartseeker and Earthfury.


there is 144 on Heartseeker atm, idk if its my layer, or if theres any layers right now.

…Earthseeker or Heartfury?

It’s literally only 144 total people on horde side.

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It is relative to your battle group and blizz said that all servers will share one battle group. So good luck.

Its been ~1 3/4 days… Not 3

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