Earthen Ring Horde Reconnections

Tita - Orc Warrior

Did a bunch of tanking with Four Feathers in Vanilla (and a bit with Warcry just before BC). Lots of good memories. Downing Rag for the first time (and everybody going nuts over comms), struggling with aggro on Vaelastrasz, eventually downing Nef, the old Quel’Serrar quest with Ony. Lots and lots of fun.

Nice to see some familiar names up there. My ID is LowJab#1550 if any of you guys and gals want to hook up again this time around.

I played as Decae, an Undead Priest and member of Four Feathers. Warlord.

Hi everyone!

Corosou here, Tauren Hunter, former leader of Shadow Remains.

This post started as a simple “Hi, there”, but evolved into what I wrote below. I guess I had a lot to say about my time in Earthen Ring. TLDR: Good to see familiar names, looking forward to running into you all! HMU in-game, here, or preferably Disc: “Corosou#2361”

Really great to see a lot familiar names posting (Darkhex, Murdog, Freyana, Verac, Grarr, Torgath, Phalinx) and others being mentioned and gotta say it’s bringing back a lot of fond memories! :slight_smile: Do you guys remember Warsong Gulch twinks, week long Alterac Valley battles, Tarren Mill PvP, Thottbot, days spent looking for Rexxar, AQ opening, seeing Leeroy Jenkins for the first time? Those were some great times!

I remember our endless SR vs Tempora Heroica WSG battles, and that amazing week a bunch of us gathered for “SRCON” at my place during the craziness of Honor farming for Warlord/High Warlord and the controversy we created cuz we were helping each other achieve rank hehe.

Absolute best memory though has to be getting that realm first C’Thun after months of wipes and so much no-lifing! The dedication to achieve that still gives me goosebumps to think about. Man was I proud of everyone for the insane amount of work we all put in planning, farming, practicing and finally beating Alliance to the kill! Unforgettable…

Not everything was great times back then, though. There was a lot of drama always, a literal second job running a 40 man raiding guild, the stress that came with it, how it affected my health and family life. I made serious mistakes in the anger of the moment that cost me friendships that I now wish I could take back and apologize for, but who doesn’t mess up? Right? Just gotta move on. I do hope during my time as leader I did a decent enough job, as often, I didn’t really know what I was doing; nobody did. There was a lot of figuring out things on the fly. Specially with the serious time invested into end-game progression. I was not the only leader, many great friends shared equally in that duty as a council, but I did hold the guild leader title for a long time and was responsible for the guild bank, which meant the final decision on things often came down to me.

It was an unforgettable roller-coaster of emotion, but looking back now in my 40s, I don’t regret a single minute I spent in-game. I learned a lot about cooperation, hard work and myself. It was an undeniably unique moment in history I feel we were all very lucky to be a part of. A moment so unique in fact that there are now endless Hordes of newbies itching to catch a glimpse of what we saw, felt and lived through back when there was no Google with all the answers, barely any add-ons and everything had that sense of mystery cuz everyone was a noob and nobody knew exactly what they were doing. As a Hunter, my second fondest memory was figuring out, practicing and completing the Class Quest. So many people ran into my Winterspring demon and wow did I get pissed about that lol! But once I got it, I could never stop staring at Rhok’Delar flower and shroom :wink:

I dunno if we’ll ever relive those amazing moments, but I’m down to lvl up, meet up with old homies and see how far we get! I just re-activated my sub, reserved my old toon name on “Bloodsail Buccaneers” for that ER like RP vibe and I’m looking forward to running into old familiar faces! I haven’t talked to anyone from the old days, besides Phalinx here and there, when I came back for BFA a bit last year (OG Corosou still lives, though not on ER anymore).

Would love to get together with some of you, raid and reminisce about the good old days! HMU on Disc “Corosou#2361” since I don’t really keep my BNET running. And if you guys haven’t seen it yet, register on “Vanilla Friends” to find other old school homies.

Hope life has been good to you all since the last time we saw each other and see you soon!

-Warlord Corosou


Darkhex )) whatup homie! good to see you’re still around

Good to see you! :slight_smile:

I’m doing well! How bout you? I actually remember you, though it took me a minute to place the name! I think we actually talked quite a bit, but I can’t remember what guild it might have been Dissonance or Reapers Minions one of the two. I do remember you though. I’m sure if I dig through my old screenshots on the computer I played on back in the day I’ll find a few of us together.

I actually remember you, and a lot of those names too. Sussy and Lushin man those names really bring me back.

I’m Namine#1620 on bnet if anyone remembers me and wants to catch up. I forgot to put that in my original post.


Swinge! You plan on playing Classic? Get Baz and Shanks to play and we can get the gang back together again! Kreger is planning on playing Classic and said he had a few friends who would be playing as well. I am currently playing on Thrall server in Bloodwall guild but will be doing classic for a while as well.

Ching troll rogue. The Great Shark Hunt, and Four Feathers.
Was Warcry’s enhance shaman in BC after Simmons quit.


Oh I remember Simmons. Wonder if he plans on hopping back?

Namine! It’s me, Narshala!

We were in Warcry together.

I also played Mazrael the Blood Elf Paladin and Maztharra the Orc Death Knight before Warcry imploded. Left the server after that.

Names I recall: Xevvik, Jrok, Arclyte, Betharra, Stormthuman, Bellataur/Vespillo, Sammiel, Ickthas, Cyragorm … God the cobwebs are stiff.


Murdog, OMG!

Helini here, everyone’s favorite holy main healer followed by Nihile as a DK in Lich King and beyond.

I’m gonna re-roll as a warrior or hunter since I’ve never played those classes!

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Don’t forget about me! <3 <3 <3


Omg Ickthas, I always considered you my rival in pvp when I was pvping alot in Poppops group.

Xandal here human priest just saying hi, prob going horde this time around heh heh heh…

Hey, Terrick! I don’t think we ever spoke much but I do remember you. I’m sure you remember Saigrim (my Dad) more. Good to see a familiar face.

So many familiar names. Its really great to see you all are still around. I sincerely look forward to running into everyone in the future!

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Helini :slight_smile: yea deffintaly great seeing the old names, Me and a few other ER vets are starting up on grobbulous if you want to find us.

Posted on my alt but I’m sure it was easy to figure out who it was


Wow, Blizz finally let me post after 5 days of “You don’t have a L10 character”.

Anyway, I’m very happy to see so many old names I remember but we’ve got work to do y’all, let’s poke as many old names as we can that haven’t popped up here yet. (Well, we can skip Neji).

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Hi Gori, I did get Wyst on Bloodsail.


The name’s familiar! I don’t remember if we hung out much back then, but I do remember the name. I also remember Vespilo, Blacktree, Vengal, Simmons, Xevvick, Stormthuman (I remember him trolling trade all in caps). Seriously solid group of people. Hell every guild I was in had a solid group of people.