Earthen Ring Horde Reconnections

Hey Frey! I seem to remember you. I was Drakis undead mage or Ranyhyn tauren druid. And Shakina is a name I haven’t heard in a while. Frost mage. I was in several guilds with her.

Stint! Long time man! Ambur hit me up, I hadn’t really being paying attention this but I’ll be playing for sure as well. Asat#1974 if you want to add me on bnet.

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Beards on Jaedenar!

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I stopped playing retail a long time ago, this character was an attempt to get back into it with an old healer friend of mine that didn’t work out. I plan on posting up on Classic as an Orc Warrior again.

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I was Lortren, Troll Shaman.

I believe i raided MC / BWL with Reaper’s Minions? it has been so long now i forget. I recall having issues with Vaelastrasz the Corrupt in BWL lol. I remember raiding with a Tauren Druid named Bull and a Troll Mage named Chavij, although i think that was mostly towards the end of classic.

For classic launch i think i will be playing on a normal or PvP server this time.

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Hey Grarr,

Can you add me to real ID? Mine is Torgath#1453

Easier this way :slight_smile:

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Man some of these names are making me feel really, really old right now.


Hey! Candypop here! Was a bloodelf warlock and a tauren druid. Was 9 at the time. Maybe yall remember my dad Bubbafreejoh undead warlock or Hefeweizen tauren hunter! Hmu!

Anybody still around from the old PvP groups? played Elites (priest) . You can contact me at hounder#0202 on discord

I mainly played on this character, but am no longer active on ER. Was in Lucid Dream and then Warcry, as well being a part of early HWL farm groups.

Just a few of the names:

Zevyn, Pokey, Balidar, Rhaan, Sussy, Morpheus, Betharra, Vespillo, Ambika, Asku, Xevvik, Basho, Elinia, Lylax, Lucren, Lushin… The list goes on.


That’s because we are old. Plus side to classic? I can be Mayor of Southshore again! =D

@Ael, Nagi likes me more than you, and Baldun smells. HI WYST.


Now that is a list of names that brings back memories! especially Sussy, undead warlock right?


So many familiar names! My mains were:
Raver - Undead warlock
Corringan - Tauren Pirate druid
Shamonah - Orc Shaman

Guilds: Broken Horn Warband, Errant Blight. Looking forward to seeing yall soon

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Zevyn, Pokey, Balidar, Rhaan, Sussy, Morpheus, Betharra, Vespillo, Ambika, Asku, Xevvik, Basho, Elinia, Lylax, Lucren, Lushin… The list goes on.

Is kill Ickthas still a thing? I spoke to Zevyn last night and unfortunately he can’t reply here due to losing access to his old account. Despite not being likely to play, he was tickled by the mention!

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Ilu all. Pretty much everyone on that list I remember playing both with and against, haha. Not to mention many others in this thread too.

Tumult - Human Mage/ Socio - Human Warlock/ Alurenz - Undead Rogue
Council of Fate -> Einheriar -> Fury and World Eaters with Lushin on horde side.
I’ll probably be playing horde on a pvp server this time around. Feel free to hit me up on discord if anyone wants to catch up: Socio#5432


I have no idea what server I’ll be on yet. Probably depends on what the current guild is doing.

Still probably the highlight on my WoW career. No idea how happy it makes me that someone else remembers that.

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Freyana!. I’m Mordan from “the guild that didn’t exist”. I know Zeza IRL, and pinged him on facebook with this thread, but I don’t think he’s playing Classic. Good seeing several Cabal and Four Feathers here again.


Also in Cataclysm, Swinge - Rogue - Neubatron - Priest

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Namine - you and I were guilded together at one point, I think, although I don’t remember the guild [I was a tauren hunter by this same name]. How’ve you been??

Lortren - I think I remember you, as well! Glad to see some faces (well, names) I recognize! And yes, Sussy was an undead warlock.

Ickthas - Holy COW, I’d forgotten about Lucid Dream! But those names bring back some memories.

Someone I’m looking for: Chiasmata - I think they were a mage. We lost contact in Vanilla while they were going thru some irl stuff, and I’ve wondered how they are over the years. Chia, if you see this, please reply or hit up Tiaris#1157 on BNet.