Earthen Ring Horde Reconnections

Helini! Just reserved my toon names on Mankrik server. Kreger and a few friends he has are planning on playing on that server as well. Looking forward to a lot of fun dungeon runs! UBRS here we come!!! Just heard that Jurdendorf is interested in playing classic as well!

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Awe mankirk server boooo lol

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Hey Terrick - Jaklyr here (don’t have my original account anymore). Long time no talk!

Original character: Jaklyr, undead rogue.
Original guild: Dissonance. I am a founding member along with my brother Inverniak/Mezz and our buddy Hoosh/Hoosher. We recruited Knut (my father) to run the guild for us before Ralnar took over as GM later on down the road. Ah, the memories.

Shout out to Harnin, Swayic/Dregu, Amanli, Tarnug, Terrick, Kaganu, and apologies to the many other people we raided and PvP’d with that I can’t remember!

Mahrroh here, pretty much played this character through Vanilla, TBC and some of whatever the following expansion was.
I mostly remember being in Succession, though I believe I was in Twisted Eternity before that, along with Four Feathers way back (when I used to run around with a troll priest named Analiese?). I recall grinding with some names here in the various Honor groups in WSG. Only had it in me to make it to Warlord as the time investment was just asinine.

Either way, It’s been forever since I played, but I’m honestly itching to PvP again so I’ll probably be rolling in Grob.

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So, who else uses the wayback machine to jog their memory? Corosou used it to check the ol’ SR roster.

I remembered Eku without that trip down memory lane. He was freaking good, intense and quiet. Dude farmed everything possible.

I also remember Areohen, anyone have any news from him?

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I’m around every so often… Classic got me thinking about all those long raid nights in MC and BWL. Miss those days.

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Anyone remember Stamp (Tauren warrior I think) and the stories he used to post on the ER forum?


Hiya I was in Ingratis Examinus as well. I feel like there were only of few of us when I was a member though and I’m afraid I don’t remember much, maybe you though. (I think you used to tease our tank about how awful he was?) I haven’t played WoW at all for a very long time. However I am excited to hear about the Classic Servers going up, I’ll be playing as Alliance this time. Feel free to contact me if you’ve a mind to.

Uthmandor here, I was a member of IE way back then, and I’m pretty sure I was the absolute worst undead frost mage on ER. I’d love to run a few instances with you and anyone else from the old guilds, I’ll be playing Alliance on one of the east coast normal servers. feel free to reach out. :sunglasses:

Uthmandor undead mage, God I remember seeing so many of these names running through Org. and Darl. I was in IE and Warcry, Actually I’m still in Warcry apparently. Actual players I can remember are Zakkur, Xevvik, Biscuits, Kiannaa, Nastone, Vespillo, etc., I’ll be playing Alliance on a normal east coast server, I hope to run into you all in classic.

Anyone remember Rajavijit? Troll Hunter. Founder of Claws of the Earth Mother (my first guild), if I remember correctly and super nice guy.

Also, Zulnar, a fellow troll shaman from Claws and even nicer fella.


Same, buddy. Same.

I recognize a variety of people in this thread! I was best-known on this character, most of my alts didn’t do a ton until BC. Tears of Draenor on my shaman, alts in Lucid Nightmare, Succession.

My plan is main on Grobbulus, alts on Bloodsail Buccaneers.


What’s making me feel old is folks I see on FB etc who are saying “Wow, I was 8 when Vanilla came out!” >__< I was well into college when it did @_@


Hey, what’s going on in here?

Someone snagged my name on BB, I’m guessing a druid. Watch for Sixer the rogue in vanilla land.


Oh man Coro !! How are you ?? its been so long i dont know if you remember me I was named Matrek in the vanilla day of SR. I’ve read your whole post and I feel your nostalgia !! Tho back in the day I was just a pup ( in real life, litterally ), I was 15-16 and at high school, I wanted to play hardcore with you guys but had terrible limitation. Still you gave me a go, and i witnessed the most memorable event in this game i could ever have hoped for under your leadership. I still talk to my friends about that day when we took down C’thun ( YES !! I was there on that night with the team ! ). That was and is my most memorable night in online gaming history. You were a strong hearted leader, and back in the days I hated you for some decision you took. But as I said before, I was just a pup, now today I understand why you had to make some moves to make the whole team go forward.

I would really like to speak with ya and share memories of our days in SR, good and bad haha. I am still playing the game casually but rolling a new toon for classic with friends. I hope we can speak and, perhaps, spill some alliance blood in arathi basin like we did back in the days.

Take care of yourself and have a good day !!!

Matrok (Matrek)

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Matrek! Of course I remember!

Thanks for the kind words! And ya, making tough decisions was pretty stressful. Things like turning down people that wanted to join, asking people to drop raid for someone that had a bit better gear or were just a bit better players didn’t feel good, but had to be done. I’m glad to hear you now know why we had to do what we did :slight_smile:

For sure, let’s catch up, we have a disc channel with a bunch of SR folks. I just sent you an in-game mail with the link.

Word. I was in my 2nd semester of university when WoW released.

It was a perfect storm in retrospect. I hit L60 and then the next day the university shutdown for 6 weeks leaving me too much spare time and too little to do.

When it reopened, my friend from university (Kapoue) and I talked about the Molten Core progress we were making during breaks and some guy overheard us and started talking to us. Turns out he was on another server in a top guild. He shared strategies and intel on bosses. He wasn’t supposed to but not like his guild leader would have caught him hahahaha.

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Hey, Corosou, shoot me a message on discord so I can join that server. My discord is White Diamond#2932

Hey folks … Obvious (Troll Rogue)/Zulazeylu (Troll Priest) will be back to check things out on Bloodsail Buccaneers. I did manage to get my original names, too :slight_smile: I’m bringing Banebastid (undead warlock) with me of course though his new name is simply Bane. Look us up, we have the release week off so will probably be around. We were originally in Ring of the Tribunal and then moved on to Blood Fist for many years.