Earthen Ring Horde Reconnections

Agonizor was my 19 twink rogue. I ran around with Ultramegus a lot and we had a blast in Warsong Gulch. Planning to recreate him Agonizor again in Classic.

My main was Malicus, an Undead Warlock. I was part of a couple of guilds and played with Liquidclaw most of the time. Malicus is still around on ER, but he did some server travelling and lost his name, so he now goes by his Surname; Vonsinis

Original character Joachim - Undead Warlock
Guild - Bone Splinter
I remember playing with Alerca, Lysander, Hardishane…

I know I lost contact with most people when TBC launched, and by Wrath I don’t think anyone was around anymore…

Some flashbacks here. Ok:

Character Main:
Undead Rogue named Chemosh.
Alts were:
Satok, Undead Priest
Satokri, Orc Hunter
Boleranos, Tauren Shaman

I was in Weeping Oak Tree Clan, or something like that at launch with a bunch of my SWG buddies. It disbanded and I was part of a few guilds. Main ones were Grim Determination, which still exists on live, if I remember right I had a stint with Dissonance (not a 100% on that) and Warcry for a long time.

I’m hoping to find Zakur, Troll Rogue and Alt Army aficionado. Looking for Aviva, Undead Rogue. I wish I could find my old friend Jinks, but she died irl from cancer. :frowning: Anyways, Zakur and Aviva both were in Shadow Remains before the raiding part of the guild server jumped. Lost track of them after that. Would Love to catch up with both, if they still play. There are more players from back in the day, but those two stand out!

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Anyone from the guild Bunny Slamwich?

My main was Yassita, tauren resto druid (lost that account.)

Names I remember are: Vengure, Kasim, Irshil, Martila, Corax, Rylock, Golia, Orlie, Aer, Jodu, Break, Jacory, Snebiken.


Hey, Torgath from Earthen Ring here.

I remember DarkHex, the Troll Mage who drowned Lykis with Polymorph :stuck_out_tongue:

Also was in Shadow Remains… Having a full time job + raiding forced me to quit and eventually join Succession :slight_smile:

Other names i remember: Soulhatcher, Vucarik, Grarr, Kraain/Orion (the guy who did the Lykis YTMNDs, im sure I mispelled his name), Areohen, Wisp, Ruarc and Kormok.

There’s others but I figured I’d post here to say hi :slight_smile: – Planning on playing again on Bloodsail Buccaneers (RP).

On rare nights, I can be seen posting on the Story Forum in raw frustration.


I’ll see you punks in WSG <3

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I know, I can’t believe it. Awesome to see your name here. What server are you thinking of joining?


I’m still around. I’m still keeping Shadow Remains alive (although it’s mainly just me and my alts.) Going through some major IRL changes atm but once things settle down I may be checking out classic. If anyone runs into Soulhatcher or Blinky, tell them I said “Hey!”


I was Ithras (orc hunter) in Four Feathers, Talons of the Dragon, and Warcry.

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So many old names here! I was Ithras Orc hunter in Four Feathers when we merged Talons of the Dragon in.

I Was Ithras, Leader of Talons of the Dragon (with Lona) for a long time in Vanilla until we joined up with Four Feathers, then eventually joined Warcry for debauchery, raiding, and making Xevvik yell a lot.


Wasn’t in Bunny Slamwich but was friends with Vengure. From the alliance side. Galaphile was my priest back then.

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I know, I can’t believe it. Awesome to see your name here. What server are you thinking of joining?

I’m not sure yet. I live in Arizona right now but I’ll be moving back to New Zealand first quarter of 2020 so I’m trying to decide between an Oceanic realm and maybe the Pacific RP-PvP server. Kind of depends on if the RP-PvP is actually hosted in LA or Chicago which no one is sure of yet.

Regardless of what I do with my main I’ll definitely want to at least roll an alt wherever you and the methe (blizz won’t let me spell that right!) lab guys end up if they’re playing.

I’m Yharon#1821 on bnet if you or anyone from back in the day wants to add me.

Torgath! How have you been? Grarr here!

Freyana - Tauren Prot Warrior
Thunderhorn Warparty, The Cabal (there is no Cabal, /crazychat), Shadow Remains

I’m still around ER, mainly Alliance side now. Great to see so many names from the past. Others I’m hoping to reconnect with: Zeza, Shakina, Ova


This is going to stir some old feelings in people, lol.

Original Character in Vanilla: Gileon, Undead, Warlock
Original Guild: Ingratus Exanimus (IE) - I am the original GM

Not sure if anyone wants to reconnect. That account is long gone now. Looking forward to hopping back in to see the old struggles (TM fights?) again.


Dissonance, Jam Tomorrow

Had an alt Elentariah on Alliance side in Winter’s End
Hit me up, would love to catch up

Hey Grarr :smiley:

I’m pretty good actually. Posting on my Orc this time.

How’s the Draenai life going? I got mine to level 110. You playing in classic too??

Hai frey finally seeing some names i remember

I feel like I remember your name as well. Do you remember Malicus or Agonizor?