Woops! Wrong character. This was my original main in vanilla. Guilds were Hand of the Dark Lady, Ragefury Legion, Four Feathers, and The Cabal (although there is no Cabal).
This character was my main, and was in Succession.
Wow some of these names brings back memories.
Name’s Namine your resident troll mage (self proclaimed Wondermage too)! I used to be in thinks Unending Fury, Reapers Minions, Dissonance, Warcry, and Red Panda Army.
I don’t usually do these kinds of things, but I figured what the hell, there’s a lot of people I used to play with that I remember fondly.
Hey this is, Jodabain (Tauren Warrior) or Tagai (Orc Shaman.) Whichever way you remember me, I was in The Great Shark Hunt, Dissonance, Vendetta, Succession, Reapers Minions. If anyone’s around I’ll be here.
Rodoz here. Also used to be known as Verac (tauren hunter) a long time ago.
I was in Horde of Oblivion, Shadow Remains, Blood Fist, Hostile Takeover (i’m looking at you Stormthuman), and probably others.
Even if we don’t roll on the same server hopefully we can still reconnect if anyone remembers! BNet: Smokey#12345
lol not sure where to go with this one! What up dude? I am great - I married Kiley 10 years ago and just had a baby girl this past winter. We are both planning on playing after she goes to bed in the evenings. Got a few random stragglers from various games and jobs we have met over the years coming along.
Orgerloth! Taking down Rags for the 1st time! I will never forget it! Such an awesome time in WoW back then. Also had a lot more free time back then.
Kiley, tauren shaman of Twisted Eternity and Dawn of Ascension.
Coming back to re-live the good times of Classic! I have such fond memories of those times.
That’s fantastic man congratulations! I got hitched 9 years ago and I have a 7yo and a 9mo. Time is definitely a rare commodity right now so I get that! I’ve been trying to keep up on xpacs but I usually just play to max level, some pug raiding, then I move on. I would love to get back into Classic, I just have so many other habits I have to support! Would be crazy fun to progress through MC again or wipe 12 times on Vaelastrasz in a night though!
Hi Khiley! I don’t think we had a chance to talk much before I stopped raiding but I remember you! I was the shammy class lead for a while there. You might remember me from having to yell at Massif for pulling aggro on every pull
Favorite Massif moment during a MC raid. He ninja AFK’d and auto followed someone, ran down to the corner store barefoot and grabbed some nachos…
LMAO he followed me all the time! Dude had me on follow for a Baron Gedon pull. One of us would get a living bomb and RIP!
I remember you!
The shammies were lucky to have you as a class lead.
I don’t know what I was thinking raiding. I never had the skill or the focus, but it sure was fun to try.
Looking forward to playing with you! So nice to reconnect with folks from many years ago.
Inyan, Tauren Shaman was part of Ragefury Legion back in the day.
Hello, this is Vadren (tauren shaman)/Gorevein (orc warrior). I used to play alongside my dad, Saigrim (orc warrior). We were in the guild Dissonance if I remember correctly. Hope to see some people I can remember one of these days!
Hey Ellach, I got a bunch of other people I’m working with from back in the day, we’re looking to get something together. Whats your battle tag?
Runningbear, Kasiganthi & Kaziganthi here…also part of Ragefury
Stintaril! Random to see so many Four Feathers people posting, not the guild I expected.
I played as Yakav a troll shaman in Mook Tribe that was a founding member of the Four Feathers amalgamation but I quickly switched to Ambur the troll mage and raided through most of vanilla.
Played as Yharon the prot paladin from BC to Wrath with Dissonance.
Orc Warrior named Lebercro and Tauren Shaman named Komito were the 2 characters I played most in Vanilla. Guilds were Osmosis and we later merged with Cataclysm. Also spent a little time as MT and raid lead for a guild called Blood of the Dark Wolf.
Dang, posted that from my bank alt toon…