Earthen race BUGGED and overall a NERF you just by being one

THIS does not sound enjoyable, at all.


Do the health regen (like leeching fangs) enchants on cloaks work for them?

That could help a little.

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Cool looking race, but terrible execution in terms of racials.

Dwarf & Dark Iron are both far better than Earthen.

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Hence why they are so overweight!

I have made an Earthen. Mine is currently level 24 and leveling through healing dungeons. It seems like the following is true:

  • Food and water aren’t usable unless mages give it to you.
  • Gems are weird. You can only use cut gems and they are expensive.
  • It seems like there is supposed to be a vendor that sells cheap cut gem stacks that Earthen can use to get mana and health back, but it’s only in Dorogal and low level Earthen can’t get there. Additionally it seems like not every server’s vendor is selling the gems. Note, you can actually pick up some usable water pretty fast by joining a follower dungeon and picking up some food/water from the mage table and leaving, if you’re low level and want to get some water.
  • The well-fed buff seems to be weaker than food buffs which means you’re mostly just playing an inferior character lol
  • Currently you can consume feasts, which doesn’t seem to be intended.
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It doesn’t make sense why they can’t use any raw ore.

Maybe feasts include gemstones now.

Aha, this would explain that.

To me, the biggest problem seems to be the cheap gems from vendors not being available on every server and not being available in major cities outside of Dornogal. You should really be able to buy these in Org/SW etc.

But also, the food buffs need a buff. lol


Blizz… what are you doing with this? C’mon now fix this


Boy am I glad I haven’t race changed yet. Think I’ll hold off until blizz changes the racials on this borked race.

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idk why we can’t just pick our racials at this point.

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Racials are a bit of a stupid concept at this point. Especially when some are vastly more powerful and useful than others.

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Yeah, like bloodlust for an orc warlock. I can’t really main any other race for lock really and be competitive. Kind of silly.

Wasn’t the troll one better? or did it get nerfed?

back in mists all the locks were trolls for that racial.

Still it only really matters if you’re pushing world first.

Silly question but will eating a higher quality cut gem give a higher food buff?

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Eh, not exactly.

Reading through the class description, the emphasis is on buff food, and the gems that give them buffs. It was not stated clearly that “of course, Earthen will have no normal way, other than expensive cut gems, to restore health and mana”. That kind of fine print wasn’t stated. Based on that my understanding was that they couldn’t, indeed, eat buff food, but that there must be some mechanic (like cheaply sold rocks or something) that was the equivalent for Earthen of what innkeeper stuff is for every other race. The fact that this is missing is clearly either a bug or a godawful race design choice, either one.

Well according to the sims and the discord lock authorities, orc can’t be topped. I can’t prove it, just going by what they say. I don’t have the motivation to run sims, myself.

can they really not drink beer? I thought they had a whole dungeon owned by them that is literally a brewery and a beer smuggling operation in one quest


If it were my design, I would use the belt gem.

Don’t let the belt gem be a barber shop customization, but instead, you can choose which gem to put on your ‘belt’.

Blizzard would probably add a ‘summon a lapidarium employee to help’ ability.

That’s a pretty good idea.

This is hilarious

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