Earthen race BUGGED and overall a NERF you just by being one

Wait they can’t eat normal food? thats hilarious they’re probably the worst race in the game


You went from the third best race to one that’s much lower. What were you expecting?

Finally created one. Yeah, just simply entering the game on a fresh character is buggy. You get the race intro which I always find fascinating. But, all new characters start off in DF. So what is vocally playing at the same time trying to shout over each other? The race intro plus the DF intro “Come to Dragon Isles!” intro. Just fail Blizzard.


I think they should make the next race only able to eat toe nails and boogers. And have the animation that goes with it. Now that would be down right funny. But it wont happen.

Hold up. I need to cut my own gems as a jewelcrafter or buy them from the AH in order to simply get mana?


I… I just… I don’t even…


Apparently. If you’re playing a mage, then you’re all set. They clearly didn’t think this one all the way through, to the surprise of absolutely no one.


I like the way mines looks but not being able to eat or drink? I didn’t realize what a bad idea that is.

So now, if I need to regain health I just get to sit until I heal naturally or gain mana? Not a good idea.



Like I said… Instead of making new threads with minimal responses we need to just blow up that one so Blizz will notice and Hopefully provide a solution. I listed a few options in that thread.

Please share concerns there. Only way we will get Blizz to notice and do something

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Where is said thread? Would you please provide a link?


Tried to keep it constructive to the best of my ability and straight forward so Blizz will notice it and make some changes

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Thank you very much!


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Earthen shouldn’t even be an allied race. But a dwarf customization

We were robbed of two new races for this


cant eat raw gems. they have to be cut.

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The main course is wow tokens, eat up!

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not being able to eat food isnt a bug. you knew this. all of you did.

That doesn’t mean that anyone has to like it.

How will healers drink?

Why is gem buff worse than food?

They eat actual crafting gems? This is the dumbest thing. Part of their raical should just be able to dig special food gems out of the ground or something.


I mean, that sounds pretty thematic, The biggest problem is still if you are oom on a healer.

But also the “infinite” food buff isn’t infinite and its worse than actually food.

Its making the game harder with no added benefit.

If they had a way to drink and their food buff was truly infinite and on par with actually food than they are saved.

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Seeing NPCs doesn’t count.