Earthen race BUGGED and overall a NERF you just by being one

I mean I was able to drink beer on mine. Specifically the venom one from gravy and another Earthen was drinking mulgore firewater etc, And I was able to get smashed drinking out of the beer keg someone put down.

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Iā€™m playing earthen having a blast, love the exploration but to xp!

better solution would be to just allow players to have any race play any faction instead of making new half baked races.

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They can eat deviate fish. Havenā€™t tried alcohol yet.

I can see if you raid or do m+ how itā€™ll set people off. I donā€™t do either so not a big deal to me . But I did pick jewel crafting and mining because my earthen is all about theme. I thought it made sense for them.

Iā€™m a class with healing as well so not dire for food. Even still I agree blizzard should respond to everyone posting about the buff and food issue. I suspect they eventually will but unfortunately as the blizzard way is - they wonā€™t do anything until a ton more outrage builds up.

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Soā€¦ Par for the course, then?

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I think they should have given Earthen a way to seek out gems in the open world to use as food and have it work similar to the dwarf racial that makes treasure chests appear on their mini map. The gems are only as strong as the area in which they find them.

Can name them something like dull gem, sparkling gem, or shimmering gem, and work like mage food as they increase strength every 5-10 levels and the adjective pre-fix changes along with how much health and mana they regen, with the stack being a random number between 3-5 per find.

1-9 dull gems
10-19 shiny gems
20-29 sparkling gems
30-39 shimmering gems

Iā€™d of preferred chadbolds to dwarf. Or even normal kobolds.

you guys told them and there was still 2 bugs for 2 quests in this stage that had 3 quests?

incredible lol

earthen adds more? jesus.
itā€™s like theyre really trying to offer sub-par quality heh

Check latest blue post, getting changed



This xpac was absolutely rushed out the door about 3 months too early, presumably at the behest of the Powers That Be in order to appease shareholders and/or meet some fiscal deadline.

Itā€™s fixed! They buffed our Gem Buff and gave us some food by the Jewelcrafting table in Dorn.

only thing they didnā€™t mention is when we die the buff is gone till we relog but I assume that will be fixed at same time or at least i hope

Itā€™s an improvement. But there are still gameplay issues to resolve for lower levels and for specialty foods. (Like those in Bgs and zone specific food buffs.)

Bro on my server the haste gem is 10k if you want a max stat one. People are overpricing the heck out of them cause they know we need them.

Thatā€™s evil. If you join my guild temporarily I can craft one for you way cheaper, unless you can send cross realm work orders.