Earthen race BUGGED and overall a NERF you just by being one

I was very excited to be Earthen today until you start trying things out, To start having to eat gems sounds ok still you realize currently the gems we are allowed to eat are 1700 gold per gem. The Well fed buff that is ALWAYS supposed to be on you disappears when you die, currently the recommended food for me at least is only 10g per food and gives 469 mastery while the Earthen is 383 secondary stat so I am losing all that secondary stat and having to buy gems when I die anyways which I assume is a bug. Also you can’t eat any food, so gems are the only way to sit down and heal, you also can’t drink water at all, which is a another bug. All in all I feel like Earthen makes me weaker overall as a raider unless the well fed buff matches the well fed we will be having, We need gem to eat that is cheaper than what we currently have available and obviously mana users need to be able to drink water or a cheaper consumable needs to be made available.


This racial as it exists now seems like the kind of restriction that might be fun for a playthrough in a single-player RPG, but doesn’t seem like a great idea for a MMO.

Though it is kind of funny that the buff is actually worse than food.


Pandaren have a better food buff.


Unlocked them, looked at customization and realized they look worse than DI and OG dwarves… hard pass


Dang. That sounds horrible. Hopefully Blizz makes some quick changes or nobody is going to be playing Earthen


This is the kind of thing that had plenty of beta feedback, but was completely and utterly ignored.

They had months to get it right, but actively chose to ignore all the feedback.


Wait is this actually a real thing??? I was reading the OP thinking they were memeing or something lmao


Yup, did all the testing within the hour. Less stats, currently doesn’t persist through death and have to buy cut gems to gain health and mana. Which is less stats and more gold than the current food buffs


This is actually so bad lol. If you don’t play m+, raid, or pvp, then this is an ok racial. However like others said, it’s an overall nerf just to be an Earthen. Not having primary stat option either is WILD, seeing as a locked 383 secondary is worse than current food already, AND the primary food options typically are just better, even if they give less than the secondary stat ones.

I hate myself for spending the money to race change just because the race looked cool.


To be completely fair, Dark Iron dwarves alone are a very high bar to meet when it comes to looks. I actually do like these Earthen though. Ended up race changing my mage into one. Now I have a more diverse warband instead of 2 elves taking up those slots. :sweat_smile:

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It is not a bug when it is a feature. Become a jewleler. Problem solved.


I don’t get Blizzard. Why would they make one of the least popular races an allied race? I haven’t seen one in game yet.

haha sorry what part is feature? Though I assume you are trolling

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One of the main expansion features is a disaster. Nice going!

Who runs this show anymore, Blizzard or Microsquish?

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Mages can eat their own food and regen health and mana, so it does sound to me like at least some of these food quirks might be bugs.

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The food buff returns after a couple minutes. But yes. The buffs need addressing otherwise.

Oh, I just thought there is no way you could be that dumb. Ok for starters buff reads "You are always Well Fed, but cannot consume food. Consuming a Khaz Algar gem changes the benefit granted to you by Well Fed

Amber: Stamina
Emerald: Haste
Onyx: Mastery
Ruby: Critical Strike
Sapphire: Versatillity"

Ok so if you can read I said I am losing my Well Fed buff when I die, n that description is ALWAYS supposed to be on. I happen to be a warrior so I don’t need water. However it also says “but cannot consume food” last i checked water wasn’t food haha. Not to mention buying cut gems at 1700g a pop as opposed to spending 10g on a better well fed buff hardly seems like a feature.

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Earthen shouldn’t even be able to eat normal food. In fact, what they should do is give Jewelcrafters a special craftable that feeds hungry Earthen lol.

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Just add a crystal “food” and a crystal “water” to the inn shops