Earthen race BUGGED and overall a NERF you just by being one

I likewise see only the same 3 junk gems. It is worth noting that, on wowhead, Belga is only listed as selling the same 3 junk gems – no mention of food or mana gems.

https //

Like I said in my other thread…

Currently you have to bug a mage every time you log on for several stacks of food, great. I’m fine with them having a permanent well fed buff and not being able to use buff food. They NEED a way regain Health/Mana in group content without a Mage and without Spending a ton of Gold on Gems! Otherwise you are saying “You picked Earthen? I hope you got some deep pockets buddy”

The best way to fix this is create a simple conjure gemstone racial. That way they stay munching on Gems for the fantasy of the race. Another Option is to create one where if they remain seated out of combat they regen health and mana at the same rate that the max food/Water would do.

Also they lose their “Well Fed” buff when they die. Thats a LOT of gold on gems!!! If this is a bug you need to fix it Blizz


hahahahahhaha this is absolutely hilarious!
Modern wow team scuffs dragonkin by releasing scuffed dracthur instead
and now this

Yea I made a request for refund listing most of those reasons. Not to mention currently when you die you don’t keep the well fed as it stands

A simple conjure gemstone racial would fix ALL of this. Just like a mage they can conjure their on food. But unlike a mage they can share it with others


Except for the whole – their well fed buff is less than normal food. Meaning their throughput racial actively makes them weaker them compared to everyone else. Especially as this expansion introduces food that lasts through death! Their one, de minimis use case is effectively nullified by hearty food.


I honestly believe the Devs that come up with these “fun” ideas like this; have never played the game. Not in any meaningful way at least. Running around in wow and tinkering with the game because you are paid to do so is NOT playing the game


the devs definitely do not play this game.


Blizzard, if you do ever read these forums, PLEASE adjust the racial so it isn’t an actual nerf. Just make the gems you eat give 1.5x the normal food amount. BOOM, easy fix. They aren’t even a top tier race at that point, they are just decent, and it doesn’t steal the Pandaren niche of having 2x well fed.

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so this dwarves cant drink? lol

WTS beer flavored gems 1000Gold/u

Good heavens. If even half of that is how it’s supposed to work (and not just buggy as heck), we’re now into “How many WoW devs does it take to change a light bulb” joke territory.

It’s just amazing how much fail there is on so many things (and not just having to do with the Earthen…).


What’s wild to me is that, as Kentaurus above stated, the fix is so incredibly simple. Make it a choose your own 1% racial buff. A passive version of the zandalari racial. No need for janky interactions with food whatsoever. This was feedback given on the beta in multiple different threads with this exact suggestion (alongside others that would have worked just as well, but less ridiculously simple).


Guys I have a structured construstive feedback thread on this. If you SERIOUSLY want this this change we need to get some traction there

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A freak race like this one shouldn’t have racials. Perhaps a Beard cutter skill only.

Don’t know why people are hurried about the racial, we all know that this race will be forgotten in a few months, remember the zandalari? I barely see one nowadays. People pretend they like Dwarves but they will never main one.

Superior race and superior class.

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Yeah that all seems quite dumb… Hopefully they change it.

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Remember when mages had to make food AND water? Or when you could only eat or drink SEPARATELY? Yeah…that was fun too.

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Says the redundant zombie DK. :sweat_smile:

It was reported in Beta. I’m starting to see Blizzard simply don’t care about Beta/testers.



Yet another missed opportunity to have a race everyone wants like the Tuskaar. It seems that their frames are very similar to Pandaren, so doing armor on them shouldnt be a problem.

I’ll roll an Earthen just to have a Dwarf Horde side, just feels like it should have been a different choice.

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2 races unavailable to horde. I hope you get the point.

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