Earthen, How do I ingest gems?

Why is there confusion over the Earthen’s racial ability? How badly have Blizzard messed this up? :sweat_smile:

I mean, food is so cheap to make so JC for food buff is vastly more expensive in the long run. Bad racial, need to change it to something else.

It is vastly cheaper and more flexible just to eat regular food. Wonder how mage Earthen are doing without heals outside of combat. I made a paladin one but parked him in the inn when the racial was kinda dumb.

Nothing doom about it, it is bad game design.

so now when i tell someone to go eat rocks its not toxic. its roleplay right? right?!

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How the hell is a mage going to heal themselves out of combat if they can’t eat their food?

Bad design then. Overall, the race is a huge nerf.

As long as you know how handicapped the new race is because they can’t eat is.

Wait so can earthen not eat mage food?

I mean ever since what was it BfA? I think, they did the thing where you don’t really need to grab previous expac professions and can simply grab the ones for current content. Now there’s nothing stopping you from going back for like, collections sake, but it’s not like the old days were you had to go through Vanilla->BC->Wrath->etc. up to whatever the cap was.

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So, after all this, I think I’m going to just use a race change token. The 10% armor buff is ok, but the other racials are garbage. The heal/damage ability barley does either. And the food that is about 10k a pop does not persist through death. Big fail here, Blizz.

In what way is the above quote helpful or explaining something I didn’t know?

If you’re putting them in your mouth you’re using the wrong access point.

Given my ele’s shield enchant falls off if an ant farts within a mile radius of the content I’m doing, I believe it.

Works like a normal food buff. When it goes away you have to eat another gem for a perma one

I think you plug them into yourself sorta like how superman does with the crystals at his secret winter fort.

The real question is does the food buff scale with ilevel or is it a flat number? Maybe a weird question but eh thought I’d ask.

Yeah, That is not a good design.

There should be a little slot were your belly button should be. Put it in there.

Yeah they’re broken now, other than for meme-type play.

I’m not sure I would be willing to reward Blizzard by buying/spending a race change token because they released earthen in a broken state, though – but I understand if you don’t want have the character locked up in a barely playable meme race.

you think about the colour blue really hard!

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