Earthen, How do I ingest gems?

I can’t figure out if there are specific gems or what. I bought some kaz algar emeralds, but there in no way to eat them. The trait is passive, so clicking it doesn’t help. Kinda lost here.


Iirc, they have to be JC gems.

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What? So you have to buy crafted gems from a jewel crafter to eat for your food buff?

That’s worse (and more expensive) than just buying food.

Why is this new race so bad?


rofl seriously?


Pros and cons honestly.

If you have JC and mining, it’s cheaper than buying food in theory.

I have JC on my earthen, ill test and see if each kind of gem gives diff buffs and if quality effects it. Didnt get a chance before I had to hop off.

Edit: Quality does not affect buff. Buff also seems to be bugged because it’s supposed to last through death but doesn’t. Food is also bugged, you’re supposed to be able to eat regular food for regen (not the buff, just resource regen), as per beta, but currently only mana buns from Mage are ingestible. Current work around is do a follower dungeon when you log on, grab mana buns and then leave the dungeon.


What do you mean by cut, I have bought 2 different kaz algar emeralds and can do nothing with either.


Like crafted gems from a jewel crafter.

There is also a chance its bugged… given how things have been lately. Can’t get on to test it though.


Not really because you can just sell your gems that you mine and then use that gold to buy food that is cheaper.

Earthen allied race is actually a nerf to all classes.


Which ones are crafted? I bought a quick ysemrald and an energized one but can’t eat either

Per Wowhead you are always well fed, you just eat jems to change what the well fed buff does for you.


The food buff for earthen last forever though if you eat a gem. Like no timer, no go away on death.


Eating rocks is one of the things Orcs do best!


This, thank you.

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Yea, but how do you eat them? And which ones can you eat?

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Amber: Stamina
Emerald: Haste
Onyx: Mastery
Ruby: Critical Strike
Sapphire: Versatility

Note the quality of the gem increases the buff.


I’d imagine with a cold beer and some bbq sauce.


How do you consume them? And which ones can I eat?

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That’s a DF gem. You need one from this expansion. The Wowhead comments on the Ingest Minerals spell say they used a Q3 Quick Emerald.


OK that was it. Blizzard never makes this s**t clear in game for some reason. Also 10k for 383 haste?? Glad I already have a race swap token. Regular food is better and much cheaper. I swear the devs don’t play the game.


It is a 1 time use and lasts forever. Persists through death. I am 100% positive you will spend more than 10k in the next 2 years on stat food and feasts. Also the info is in your general spell tab and it is a racial called “Ingest Minerals” if you mouse over it it tells you what color gems give what stats. If you mouse over the gems in the AH for this expansion as an Earthen, it says you can eat it.