Earthen, How do I ingest gems?

Yeah I’m a collector. And he only about level 51 or so. I know, couple of hours or so can be TWW level and can start that. That toon and JC very low priority for me. Before Earthen anyway.

I made my Earthen all blue, with blue eyes, blue gems, with the look that has the biggest/most gems encrusted all over my butt. Doesn’t seem to be helping.

AH prices are insane too! Just checked, I guess since I have mining was going to be a bs but may have to be a jc

So, I tried a 3 star, and they give the same amount stat as the 1 star. I’m not sure if there’s a visual bug though.

I’ve died already, and the buff is still there, but the visual at the top is not. From what I understand, you need to rezone to have it show back up in some instances. You don’t need to carry a contingent of gems on you though.

Also, I’ve seen people grab food from the start of a Delve, and we can eat that as Earthen. No need to accost mages. I know this isn’t super convenient, but maybe works for others for the time being.

As for the racial empowered cast, it’s a dead button. It’s thematic, but when will this be used? It’s neat, but useless.

I would say that the racial gem amount should be more since you can get two separate secondary buffs for one food, and it adds to more. It should be equal to that.

Most aggravating thing is I just wanna drink water or something to get mana. Why can’t there be a water vendor for (gems) or something for us to use. Spending outrageous prices for gems just to get mana seems dumb. If i’d known this before doing a Faction/race change i would not have. I thought it would be a fun vendor item like a traditional inn keeper usually supplied. If any tips on getting around this please let me know!!!

There are no tips for getting around this, it’s just how the earthen are designed to be

I’m taking a sledge hammer to mine until he’s not so picky.

appearantly YOU can eat and drink mage summoned and the gem issue is supposedly going to be fixed with an NPC you can purchase gems you can eat in Donagal…

Was posted elsewhere by a blue poster but no idea WHEN it will come into effect


OMG ty for this info. I was going to go jc and did not want to XD

That’s awesome, and for any toon for free food, thx!

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She sells 3 types of gems that give you the well fed buff and also restore health and mana.

Edit: The gems are also significantly cheaper than regular vendor purchased food and water.

Edit 2: This vendor has been here since release.

The vendor was there, but the gems weren’t edible until they hotfixed it.

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Gotcha, that part I didn’t know as I’d not even attempted to buy any since I didn’t have an Earthen till yesterday haha.

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My biggest problem is, I love fishing/cooking on this game and have for years. The new Ghoulfish Delight food you can buy from the fishing derby and consume for a cool fishing skill buff can not be taken advantage of as a earthen race. I feel this is a oversight (I hope so) but I’m just going to race change off this awful race.

i mean yea they can do that but how would i be competitively viable in m+?

I didn’t see it mentioned, but only the ruby gem from the vendor gives a buff (crit), the other two, while edible now, don’t do anything. At least on my level 30 Earthen.

Seems pretty bizarre that we can’t eat uncut gems either. Looking at the AH, I can’t get my emerald buff (haste) unless I eat a cut gem at 2k value.

The vendor should sell all the colors, so we aren’t restricted to expensive cut gems to change our racial.

a blue poster a week ago said they were trying to fix this…

They didn’t even consider some of the issues with this race I think …

Like getting the food buff period … my earthen pally is 30th level atm so can’t get to Donagal to purchase the gems so I have an alt to do it…

it is an odd race but shrug there are a few of them …

we have werewolves and foxes and pandas … AND DON’T get me on GNOMES , anyone up for a game of punt the gnome?? :wink:

You can buy food that Earthen can eat at the Dornagal Inn. Sold by Ronesh (sp). Foods and Drinks that restore Health, Mana, or both. The most expensive item is about 3.5 gold.