Earthen, How do I ingest gems?

Player crafted gems from the currently highly inflated AH.

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They should’ve made it grey quality rocks and stone we loot from mobs. At least, then they’d have a purpose.

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i mean like what is the name i never bought one before i have literally zero idea what im looking fo rlol.

Earthen don’t have stone form. Better off playing a real dwarf race that has one of the best racials in the game over this reskinned trash.

i literally dont know what im searching for, anyone have a name, or section of the AH or something? just made earthern and want to change well fed and no idea about crafting or anything

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Almost any crafted gem. Those below level 70 (I think) don’t work. Just sort them by level in the auction house and hover over the top ones. They now have an “on use” tool tip, along with the quality star.

These dwarves out here gentrifying eating rocks

Doesn’t matter if they come down they won’t come down soon enough for player base to afford to buy the cut gems…which will force some players to only be able to be a miner/JC so they can some what afford to eat now…its bloody dumb way for a race to eat …as I stated before they should of made Earthen Recopies that use raw gems to make food that the Earthen can make and eat instead of costing a ton in gold to buy cut gems…

That’s because we orcs called first dibs on those rocks.

They should of made special food/drink recipes for Earthen to cook using raw uncut gems …and cooked over a special lava fire set up in the bldg where the cook trainer is …that would of been the more sensible thing to do instead of forcing players to spend high amounts of gold for cut gems.


IIRC the innkeeper sells cheap rocks to eat, or at least someone nearby him.

I haven’t made mine to test with yet but I am pretty sure the tooltip said they were for earhten to eat.

Even so …Earthen should have food recopies they can cook to eat or drink it would make sense.

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Only Khaz Algar gems work, mage food also works, and feasts also work.

This is confirmed? Because passing up main stat for secondary is a terrible, terrible racial.

Not that I have seen. 500g-2k gems based on the stat you want is your only option. Been to a lot of inns. Dont think there is an affordable “rock” for earthen to eat in game

We heard you didn’t like how powerful stoneform and fireblood were so we made a racial for the new dwarf race that is actually a NEGATIVE for you :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Yes confirmed I did it myself. If you think about it, it would be nuts if they couldnt because tons of feasts are in the game that there is no single food for, like the PVP feasts

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What happens when the feast buff goes away? Do you revert to the previous gem or lose well fed until you eat again?

Or even funnier, feast buff permanent? lol

You could do it this way, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

lol that is what I thought. Parked my Earthen right in the goldshire inn until they eventually fix it, because my god, what a terrible racial.