Earthen, How do I ingest gems?

So then there is no need to learn the cooking skill for an Earthen is there?

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I guess not.

Edit: The wording is confusing. It’s still bugged and unclear. The wording said always well fed, but cannot consume food. Does that means Earthen can eat food as long as they don’t eat gems?

Jeez, Blizzard…

Hm… Save money on food. Become miner and JC. I might swap just to save on gold for food.

Sell feasts and food?


Can’t eat any food other than conjured mage food. Only cut gems from TWW. So unless players plan on spending tons of gold just to restore their mana (never mind buffs), they’d best become JC/miners. It generally means this race has no real profession options unless you’re a goblin type money player.

Do only gems from TWW work? If I am leveling through Chromie time then there needs to be a source of food available in Dragon isles or any expansion I choose to explore. I am fine with mining my own food but no point if it isn’t available.

Omg no way it’s worse then it sounded when I first heard about the racial :dracthyr_lulmao:

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The Earthen should of been given special cooking recopies they only can get and use that contain raw gems cooked into the food that would of been a better way to do this now, and add in the Inn or where you learn cooking in TWW have like a special lava cooking spot to use to cook food for the Earthen…what a wasted thing it is now to restrict them to only mage food or eating JC cut TWW gems…lot of players are not going to like that now.

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Well accounting for changing stat buff and if you’re a healer Mana food it’s gonna stack up be real bad post TWW.

Well, since it does not persist through death, this is going to get very expensive.

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The prices on gems will come down, the expansion is barely a week old. And the racial says “You are always well fed” so go report it as a bug instead of trying to do some “gotcha” moment. You doomers are exhausting.

there is another issue in this class to point out …

IF you don’t eat food but you need to get back mana and/or health what are you to do ??

there is some loop holes with this class … and top it off I can’t even figure out where to go next with quest chain to unlock as the NPCs walked away without telling me what to do next

i dnt think gems would be very tasty bros

There should be a vendor that sells “edible rocks”. Looking at them as a Human they’re just grey vendor items, but i’m sure theyre different for Earthen


the racial literally says that it has to be a khaz algar gem. read the tool tip.

This isn’t the problem at all. The problem is if you want the buff you are forced to do so by eating gems.

Since you cannot drink water either? If you are a Healer in a raid or Mythic plus and don’t have a mage? Well those red cut gems that you were drinking cost you about 2k a pop so yes next week it will be a major problem for a lot of people who pick this race as a Healer when they go to drink at a Mythic Plus to regain manna.

This isn’t doom saying. This is just you not understanding the situation and what other people are complaining about.

If you want to be constructive about this and share constructive criticism I do have a thread going on the issue with a few possible fixes suggested for blizzard

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Nah, they literally said “this is going to get expensive” so I replied to that. Don’t make assumptions. I said to report it and bring it to Blizzard’s attention, and they likely will change it. You can buzz off.

gem quality does NOT change the buff. i ate a rank 1 and then a rank 3. same buff. didnt make any difference.


Yep but a bottom rank Red Gem is still about 2k a pop. If they were let’s say 4 gold like the food/water is from the vendor nobody would be complaining

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can someone break this down for dumb people, what/where do i buy this gem and what is the name of it.

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