Earthen, How do I ingest gems?

Now this is 100% a bug and needs to be on the bug report section. A permanent Well Fed Buff was a major selling point for them

You should make a thread there reporting it

You are here literally doing nothing but complaining champ.

A food buff you don’t need to refresh, don’t need to worry about taking again after every wipe, etc is pretty beneficial. Most people just usually go for one stat anyways. You are here nit picking again and again.

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If it’s working properly like that, I’m fine with that part of it. What I’m NOT fine with, is they have no way to replenish health/mana outside of combat.

Sorry guys I’m OOM, can we wait a few minutes?

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Potions, abilities, etc?

They literally cannot use food, and do not have abilities outside of their normal class. Every other race can eat food.

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You can eat and drink mage food. So make sure you have one In group content I guess

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So you have to bug a mage every time you log on for several stacks of food, great. I’m fine with them having a permanent well fed buff and not being able to use buff food. They need to be able to use normal food like everyone else.

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Was semi Joking. Yeah this was fun and looked good on Paper but no way in heck will it stay like this.

Yeah, whoever implemented this has never played the game. Not even for 5 minutes. This is something you learn in the starting zone.

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If they intended it to be this way? Then they need a racial where if seated out of combat they regen health and mana at the same rate that the max food/Water would do

Ill make a thread on this


See that’s a good idea…I like it.

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Made a topic on it. Please respond there sharing thoughts

LOL that is going to get real old now if you don’t make your Earthen JC and miners…what a mess…cut gems…that blows…


You know it would of been much better if they had made cooking recipes that use raw gems to make buff food with for earthen …if earthen can’t eat normal cooked buff food like the rest of the races can…just shakes my head…what a lost moment right there.

They could of had special lava cooking spots in game…again such a lost moment to a make a race really cool.

This actually sounds awesome.

So only TWW+ gems will work? Been in the long process of leveling a Jewelcrafter, I was hoping to pass off my crappy earlier expansion gems over that are basically just vendor fodder to begin with.

i think u are introducing the gems the wrong way lol

Per reality, people are reporting the well fed buff disappears when you die.

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So how do you mana up before a pull?

we have this already with “hearty food” buffs, we had it in DF with alchemical flavor pockets as well - having a food buff that doesn’t get removed on death is not unique to earthen.

if you only play one spec of your class and you don’t care about playing it optimally, sure.

but different specs of the same class need different stats - what’s useful for fury is not always useful for arms or protection warrior.