Earthen Gem Eating Racial being FIXED

IF that floats your boat!

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To throw you a bone – that doesn’t solve the larger issue with Earthen. Their primary throughput racial makes them weaker than having no racial passives at all. You actively lose stats by playing an Earthen.

Generally the gap between the worst and the best race falls into the de minimis category, but this is quite beyond that. If enough people in a raid were an Earthen over a normal race, that’s genuinely enough of a DPS loss to be a wipe instead of a close kill.

ETA: The food buff lasting through death might be an argument in light of pandaren also losing their racial upon death if TWW didn’t add Hearty food which specifically persists through death.


There are always going to be a few blizz riders, especially on the forums.


There is no racial in the game that is so over powering or underpowering that will cause a wipe for 99% of the wow community. Only the 1% of the bleeding edge players might have an issue. But they aint rolling earthens are they?

okay but you should be allowed to play their new race they just released without dealing with their crappy proffesion system which also has flaws might i add, its just weird and it turns alot of people off of the race when theres 2 other dwarfs that look the same pretty much that dont require you to go through more effort than needed


I’m all about finding solutions man.

Personally I don’t buy expansions for new races though. They are just extras tacked on and for my purposes both Dracthyr and Earthen were DoA.

I’m just glad that neither took away from giving me a decent game. :slight_smile:

Wait, so your argument is their racial shouldn’t be buffed/fixed because they’re already weak? “No, don’t buff them, they are too weak to care about.”


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just give it some time , it’s probably something that blizz will fix, from my understanding this is just day one

No my argument is, if it is not a problem for 99% of the wow community it is not a problem and people are just whining to whine.

haha yeah i always forget how it’s free to craft gems if you have jewelcrafting

Now you are getting it…

This is all most of us want.

A conjure Gem racial would fix everything and remove the need for this thread

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hmm… threads like this make me glad I only want to unlock them for the free mount. Helps make me feel better for ignoring the race itself for a mount. Just my two cents though but…a passive health regen/mana regen out of combat for them would work as it’d be like they’re drawing on the land around them and just make it reduced effective in PvP but good in PvE just not insanely OP and it’d work wonderfully. Given they don’t eat actual food being made of rock although I guess another way to do it is they crystallize any food they pick up from a mage table making it usable for them. Lot of ways they could fix them.

Feedback was given about it in the beta and they didn’t change anything.

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Not what I was saying at all. Instead of a Conjure Gem Racial. It would be an ability Racial you have to click that would perform the same function as eating or drinking.

I still think the Conjure Gem Racial is the best fix. Keeps these guys munching on Gems which is great for the fantasy of the game without it being a “hinderance” in group content

It seems like they expect all Earthen players to pick JC and make their own “food” in order to avoid going bankrupt just to restore their mana (eg healers). I wonder what they think the compensating bonus is to balance out that substantial malus?

Idk but apparently the buff isn’t even as good as just eating crafted food :man_shrugging:

Feedback only works when its seen. Hanse why i am doing all I can to redirect people to complain about it here. 1 thread that reaches cap will draw more attention than 5-6 threads with only 10 responses in each.

That, too, yes, but not being able to quickly restore mana – never mind buffs – is disabling for healers.

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You can! You have misunderstood. Easting a Gem does the same thing as Eat/Drinking

The problem is the have to be Cut Gems and each Gem color provides a differant well fed buff. So lets say a Red Gem for crit? Well thats your only food/water source and they are about 2k a pop