Earthen Gem Eating Racial being FIXED

Were earthen not play-tested at all? How was something as simple as being able to use health and mana food missed.


People who come up with “fun ideas” like this tinker around in the game. They dont actually play it.

Earthen CAN eat gems to regain Health/Mana but they have to be CUT gems from this xpax and carrying stacks of those WILL BE $$$ on your GOld wallet

I like the idea someone posted of just adding a simple “conjure gem” racial. Then not only will you gain the well fed buff but you dont have to spend a ton of gold on Gems just to do your 3s Arenas or Mythic+ without a mage

If you want them eating Gems Blizz this is the ONLY way to do it


That racial is cracked and even more bonkers than Zandalari active.

So if you consume an epic gem, you get equal or better stats than others?

Why? they have to remain seated. If they enter combat it will cancel the effect just like if you are eating. The only difference is you dont have to spend the 20 gold on food.

I do agree that adding a simple “conjure gem” racial would be better

Nope. Same. But it has to be from this xpax and it has to be a cut gem with stats. What determines your well fed buff is the color of the Gem

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haha I find you in another persons post being a troll. Checks out, nothing useful to say here as well I see.

So its a weird work around to use the tools in game provided to solve the problem?

the poors complained about EA, you really think they wont give on this?

I’m honestly confused. Are they able to use potions/vials?

Posted elsewhere (And on the beta forums), but the issue with the racial goes beyond just mana restoration.

The well fed buff provides less food than current TWW food with no option for primary stat. Their throughput racial actively weakens them compared to every other race. Additionally, TWW even introduced Hearty food that persists through death! The primary throughput racial of Earthen makes them worse than having no racial passives at all.


Mages will likely start charging for this as well…

Someone pointed out in another thread, join a follower dungeon as it’s insta queue, take mage food and leave.

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Yeah only way you get Blizzard to listen to stuff like this is Pay every single streamer to cry about it. Or get your tweet to go virul on their twitter


What a huge L. And with one of the main expansion features.


It’s frustrating because it’s such a terribly simple fix. Make it a choose your own 1% stat buff to Stamina/Crit/Haste/Mastery and remove the janky food interaction entirely. It brings them up to “normal” racial status, keeps the fun flavor, and fixes the food/drink problem.


Thats great for raiders but PvPers are Fd. Why then heck would I want an arena partner thats a Earthen when my Orc buddy shammy can sit behind a pole and drink when needed. The only way my earthen buddy can do that is if he drops about 20k on a stack of gems.

If anything it would make my Blacklist Earthen Players from my teams. ALso unless blizzard changed something Conjured items like that will vanish from your bags at the start of Q.

ATM untill we get a fix for this its You picked Earthen? I hope you got some deep pockets buddy”


why are you riding blizzard under EVERY single post about how bad earthens are made atm. its pathetic.


The man is a known troll its his thing. Just stop feeding him

The big problem with Earthen is Earthen.

If they can get over that I’d like them.

Because they are not bad and most people are just whining and crying instead of finding real working solutions.

And I am not trolling no matter how much the moose man says I am. There are 2 real working solutions to the mana problem and people are either too lazy to do or they just want their hands held.

Three solutions.

You forgot that you can just not roll an Earthen. This worked for me.