I like the idea of Earthen Dwarves. But they look too much like Dark Iron Dwarves. They should look more like the Earthen from WOTLK, which were more rock-like.
This is my head cannon for how earthen became a playable race…
Some dev realized that they were making a ton of earthen models and visual variations for the story anyways and that all of the animations and rigging for the dwarfes was done so that basically all they needed to do was put it in the character select screen.
So they were like
“hey boss, why don’t we make Earthen playable?”
And boss was like
“we weren’t doing any allied races this expansion, we didn’t allocate time and budget for it”
And dev is like
“But the work is all there, it’s an easy win”
And boss is like
Then boss goes to his boss and is like
“Hey boss we could make earthen a playable race, the work is all there, it’s an easy win!”
And his boss is like
“But we don’t have the time or budget for making a horde race, horde players would feel left out”
And he was like
“idk, let horde play them too?”
And boss boss was like
“Samson you’re a freaking genius!”
Yup, it was like that and nobody can convince me it wasn’t.
This here is my problem with the race
Look at the pics of them in armor.
Where are the gems? Where are the unique features?
There are none. In armor theyre just a dwarf.
And id wager most of us put clothes on our characters.
Theyre not a new race in any practical sense.
Theyre just dwarf number 3.
The lady dwarves get beards. This is awesome.
How many classes do you want? They already can balance the current ones.
I want bard, specifically.
The Earthen alone don’t appear as though they will have half the customization of Dracthyr Visage form. A lot of the pictures reuse customization options for Earthen, unlike when they showed Dracthyr customization where they basically showed completely different options for almost every single character.
For example, they showed only seven or eight or so beard options plus clean shaven for male Earthen (though there could have been others on NPCs that I may have missed) and it looks like mustache and beard won’t be separate options like the original Dwarf race, which is disappointing and doesn’t provide much hope that Dark Iron Dwarves will ever get beards and mustaches separated similar to Dwarves.
The way some races get to choose mustache and beard separately while others get them merged together as “Facial Hair” is probably one of the more frustrating inconsistencies regarding customization between playable races.
They’re hopefully at something like Nightborne, Night Elf, or Tauren levels of customization at least, though it’s hard to tell at this point.
according to blizzard lore and their own sizing charts tauren males and ogres are the same size… around 10 ft. they shrunk the taurens models slightly for wow. its silly to just say incorrect things. using the same formula shrink ogres down slightly to be in that 8-9 ft range tauren are
Yeah, the big reason is that we got a new class this expansion.
Is setting a match to a true potential race slot.
I don’t know how many more race slots are left, but I’m hoping they’ll reconsider and put Earthen Dwarves in the customization slot for regular dwarves.
People can still have their bearded lady dwarf and perhaps the same functionality for regular dwarf model.
The silence of the crowds reaction to the new race announcement of this new race speaks louder than words.
Dwarves have always been lackluster. (And ugly) zero excitement from me.
It fits the story, but adding another playable dwarf race is the most boring choice imaginable. And they just introduced the Refti / stone Sethrak this expansion… that would have been so much better.
Earthen would have been okay if they were shown with a group of allied races instead of on their own. BfA launched with four(I think?) races, and then added more through out the expansion’s patch cycle in pairs of two. Some of them were more exciting than others, but it was still cool to see so many added at once. And sure, they might be planning to add more throughout War Within too, but they could have said that from the start if that was the case, or at least start with a more excited choice.
Dirt dwarves are lame…where is my playable Tuskarr and Ogres?
I’m imagining encountering my first Horde Dwarf.
We stare at each other, each unsure of what to think…
Staring, unblinking…
More staring…
More not blinking…
Frost dwarf, I have it. It was NOT an earthen
They should have made man’ari a new race, instead of a skin color quest for draenei. And they only added off color red, and muted deep red? Thats not kiljaeden red, and thats what I wanted. The green eyes were cool. I also thought they said that “seeing red” would give us more horn options for the male draenei. i was expecting something, again, like Kiljaedens horns. But we didnt. We can get a okay horn choice with bad hair, or no horns with the hair we want on male draenei.
Again. Not the same one.
I’ve gotten burnt with the last 2 expansions, I’M JUMPING SHIP! This Scarlet Orc had his day in the sun but the sun has set on Blizzard and the only cure is a clean slate. Until I see that I"M OFFICIALLY DONE!
Us older players are jumping ship! Will you do the same?!