Earthen Dwarves Massively Underwhelming

Yeah, I see it now. :dracthyr_lulmao:

I more than likely won’t play one on either faction but I don’t have any real issue with them and I think it’s great both the females and males will share customizations somewhat because that could open doors for other races to eventually share customizations between females and males and that would be super cool. :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


I’m not a fan of this. I like clear distinctions between factions, the current few exceptions can make sense.

I also don’t care for all of the sub races. I would much prefer just adding customizations to current races and then adding more classes.


Completely agree.

The red-skin Draenei are more exciting than Earthen Dwarves…

But I absolutely reject the idea of giving Horde access to Dwarves. Faction identity is slowly but surely eroding away.


The problem with community is that they don’t have a universal list of races they want to see in the game. Even though they are popular, I don’t particularly care for any of the ones you mentioned as playable races.

I might give these Earthen a chance. Don’t know much about them so they could be cool in the long run. However, I would need a reason to create a new character that fits for me.

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They should have added an exclusive rac-class combo, like the Dracthyr-Evoker. Sort of like Stormrider class, perhaps?

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I do have to agree, I don’t see anyone being particularly excited about the Earthen. Cool enough to have I suppose, but I hope this isn’t the only race they’re planning for War Within. I don’t think they’re going to drum up much excitement.

Not sure how they’d be relevant, but Vrykul are still clearly a fan favorite. I’d also be stoked to get Gnolls, or possibly Kobolds, and I imagine a lot of folks would be excited by Ogres.

Or even just finishing the Dracthyr for full transmog.


Fr, I want more man’ari customizations, with the options of fel corruption. I love what we have already but some more options would be sick as hell.


I think the community would have reacted the most positively to more customization options - particularly unique face options for races that don’t have any (cough pandaren) or even body shape options.

But if Blizzard wanted to add more allied races, I think Earthen was a big L. A lot of other races people clearly have more interest: ogres, vrykul, sethrak, even the new nerubians are generating more interest.

I know the Earthen have direct plot relevancy because of the expansion, but I feel like delaying requested races until there’s direct plot tie-in is a lame excuse. They can easily make allied race quest stories to justify adding a race.


I would love to see Ogres myself. But that probably won’t happen until the 3rd expansion if it happens at all.

The dwarves are just a thematic addition to the current story arc. I don’t think it’s really about that expansion just the trend we’ve been going on that has been bad to mediocre to who knows. That’s why they are dangling 3 in front of us. I think they know TWW is going to be as dull as DF on the story side.


All that drivel is your opinion. I’m looking forward to them, especially if they get a stoneform/fireblood type racial. Then I can switch back to Horde where I prefer to be.


That is true, especially because I feel the interactions between Velen and Hatuun in the Man’ari quest chain opened the possibility for a Broken allied race.

You know the more I think about the Earthen being an allied race, I can’t help but wonder how them joining will be presented. Like the Pandaren were rival groups that joined of their accord, where as the Dracthyr were sent as a creche to the factions by Nozdormu.


And also me

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I dunno, I was disappointed at first but am slowly getting excited to make an earthen Paladin on the horde side. There does seem to be some cool customizations to go along with it.

If we were going to see Titan Races. It would had been Vrykul, Mogu, and Sethrak for number of reasons.



Stoneform/Fireblood are, at this point, the most powerful racials in the game’s entire history.

So hopefully Earthen have an equivalent.

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Anyone know their racials?

Yes to this. :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated:

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Ogres, Vrykul, Sethrak, Jinyu, Mogu, High Elves, Forrest Trolls and the list goes on


Yes, playing one passively provides all nearby players with enrage.