Earthen Dwarves Massively Underwhelming

After having a few days now for the new announcements to sink in… our next upcoming expansion has completely missed the mark with Earthen Dwarves.

I will be harsh but hopefully fair.

To begin, announcing 3 expansions in a saga is a bold move and one I can respect.

However, the upcoming expansion, The War Within, is clearly the weakest of the 3.

Earthen Dwarves… Who on Earth thought this was a good idea? No one has ever asked for this race. It will now be the 3rd Dwarf skin in game. Unbelievably lackluster. Dwarves for the Horde as well? Hard pass Blizzard.

Where are races that your community is actually dying to see? Where are the Ogres, Vrykul or Naga? These are the races you need to debut with an expansion announcement. I honestly cannot even believe this is even real.

We have to currently wait for Dragonflight to end, then for The War Within to end, just to hopefully get another new race?

That is actually depressing.

The only hope now is that with how underwhelming the new Allied Race announcement was/is, that we will see more added over the course of this expansion.

Please do better.


I hope they give em lightning eyes.
Metal skin options (like the northrend kind) or frost skin too.
Lightning tattoos would be nice.

And yea I think that would boost them up a bit for the community.


And here I was expecting a new class reveal.
Kinda bummed but I guess they have their reasons.


I’ll admit that I’m lost on that point as well. What inspired them to have the Earthen allied race be neutral? Then from the story aspect, there’s an element of confusion for me. The story as presented is us uniting the Earthen as a people, only for them to then split themselves by segments of them join the factions.

Though I will admit that I’m very curious on how Earthen Death Knights will be handled. Will their intro be the Earthen one, the allied race Death Knight intro with them being from Northrend, or a new death knight intro for the Earthen and any new race going forward?

I think more allied races will be announced during The War Within. I find it rather suspicious that we are getting more humanoid Nerubians.


Excuse me? Do you realize just how popular the toy was in wrath that made you become earthen? It was, at one point, the most requested thing in game.


I feel like Earthen are a much more massive get for Horde than Alliance cause we already had two Dwarven races, this being our third, so it’s a muted response.

They do look really nice with the customization but if you’re asking if I’m hyped, then no, because again, it’s hard to get psyched when I’m on our third Dwarven variant.


Oh I love this I can have my type 3 toon,yes! thank you blizzard! :heart:

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Ogres and Vrykul are unlikely to ever appear in current WoW due to size issues. Neither could be represented well as playable races because in order to fit through doorways they’d have to be pygmy versions.

If we get Naga it’ll probably be something closer to Jinyu with heads swapped out to Naga heads than they will traditional Naga, simply because supporting non-bipedal races with the current game engine is a whole barrel full of headaches.

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I dunno, Kul Tiran are pretty damn huge, so I can see other big races.


I love it. I’ve wanted to unlock the Dark Iron to make a dwarf but frankly the Alliance side of the game sucks to me. Now I can have a dwarf and no need to ever do the alliance.


Kul Tirans are no larger than Tauren, though. In fact no race is larger than Tauren because they’re the upper cap for playable race height, and even they have issues fitting things from time to time. Vrykul and Ogres are generally massive, nearly doubling Tauren in height depending on where you look in-game.

We have Ogres the size of Tauren and Zandalari.


Yep, those are the pygmy ogres I was referencing earlier. If people are happy playing those then it’s all cool but I think for many part of the appeal of the race is its size.

The females can wear beards and the Horde can have dwarf paladins. Someone will love them unconditionally.


Ur 100% right dwarves are mt favorite alliance race and if i get to play one on horde that seems cool but even at that its NOT an expansion feature. Earthern are literallt a last patch allied race. If it was announced as that i would be so excited.

However it was added as an expansion feature like its reskin no new skeleton no new lore nothing really new about them so its extremely boring.

But as you can see from wow fanatics they dont tend to knotice the drop in quality and get excited for literal anything. I have a feeling they annouced the next three expansions cause this alone wasnt enough and it wouldve been much more obvious if it was just this alone.


I’m kind of psyched to unlock Earthen as long as it happens during the expansion instead of at the very end. I like the idea of an Earthen shaman or warrior.


Hello Fellow Humans,

“After having a few days now for the new announcements to sink in… our next upcoming expansion has completely missed the mark with Earthen Dwarves.” Agreed. I have been waiting 20 years for Ogres to be a playable race or undead get all races to pick from to be undead.

“However, the upcoming expansion, The War Within, is clearly the weakest of the 3.” Hallow earthers, you are getting your dreams come true. This had to be a joke at first with a few people making fun of Hollow Earthers and someone over heard them and thought let’s do that. Honestly in Wrath of Lich King I was expecting this. While extremely late at least they are finally bringing the underground area where these bugs live to us all.

" Earthen Dwarves… Who on Earth thought this was a good idea? No one has ever asked for this race. It will now be the 3rd Dwarf skin in game. Unbelievably lackluster. Dwarves for the Horde as well? Hard pass Blizzard. Where are races that your community is actually dying to see? Where are the Ogres, Vrykul or Naga? These are the races you need to debut with an expansion announcement. I honestly cannot even believe this is even real." I 100% agree. Dwarfs again seriously again? But don’t worry these dwarfs are transgender the females can have beards. Well ok fine I can accept that since dwarves have female beard lore. But why not just give that to the two current dwarf female races. I get it is the easiest thing to do since you already have dwarf everything. But seriously I just looked at the cost of this expansion and you want $50-$80 dollars on top of a money subscription. Then give us Ogres and Naga to play. Their are so many races available to select from. Why more dwarf’s? What’s next pink orcs with butterfly wings that can be obtained by alliance?

“We have to currently wait for Dragonflight to end, then for The War Within to end, just to hopefully get another new race? That is actually depressing. The only hope now is that with how underwhelming the new Allied Race announcement was/is, that we will see more added over the course of this expansion.” So I have played off and on since vanilla beta. About 8 months ago I stopped playing. I don’t have time to do top end things so I couldn’t keep up with gear. Since pvp and pve gear are forced to be different now. You have to choose to either pvp or pve. Unlike the early game when you could do both no matter what. I am happy for this solo dungeon explorer stuff and that it will give too end gear only if you have keys apparently. I truly hope they stop this pvp year only crap and just make it gear. I miss the days when you could one week do a raid then the next pvp and it didn’t matter you got gear that could go between both pvp and pve.

As time continues I will keep my eyes open to the content, but Blizzard I have to be honest this may e the first expansion in 20 years I don’t buy. Not because it doesn’t look good. But because like this poster said “Please do better.” And I have to agree. So below I truly hope someone reads this from blizzard.

First obviously add another race to play.

Next add housing. You are almost their with account warbands. But you need to go one step further. Heck you can use our base we already have if you want. But this is how it should have been done. You can replace merchant and crafters with your alts. Say you have a skinner/leatherworker alt and Herb/Alchemist alt and a Miner/Smith alt. You can place them in their areas and have them craft items and dismantle items for parts. Using the warband bank you can set up so if you made a new character and wanted some gear you can easily go to your warband home base and have the alts make you items. Or your on your main to have your enchanter enchant your items and leatherworker add boosts to your gear and whatever else. Basically you can use alta as merchants and crafters but they level up as you use them. Maybe this can be a guild thing. So your entire guild can use crafters even when they log off. You have systems scattered around this would just unify them all together as one system.

Give us more support classes. You did amazing things with Augmentation Evokers. Now we need more. Make this something everyone needs. So 5man groups for example would have a Tank, Support, Healer and two DPS. Or just make groups 6 players to keep it at 3 DPS.

Make this the expansion of 4th specs. We have a huge problem with lack of tanks and healers. Plus you added Support but only one spec. So why not just buckle down and add specs to most of the classes. Mage healers, Shaman Tanks, Warlock Tanks, Rogue Tanks, Evoker Tanks, Hunter Bards (Support), Warrior Spartans, Paladin (Support), etc. you get the point.

Or you could just do what most MMORPG do now. Let people make a character that can switch to any species they want to play. The annoying thing about alts is making good names. If people know your name and you have a great reputation. But say you want to try a different class but didn’t want to change your name or character. Then the obvious is to be able to simply change your spec from a mage to a warrior or a shaman or druid.

Something that truly needs to happen is integrate the top add-ons into the main game. Things like Auctioneer, CTmods, Bagnon, DPS meter, etc. Certain things that are just really is useful that 98% of all players use. Make it optional to click. The one thing that’s annoying is to come back and have to set up all these addons and hope they all still work. But if some don’t then you have to find replacements. Why not make it so certain things are just optional. I mean seriously you go to your bank and hit B then you get a bunch of separate bags. Why can’t you flip a switch to make it all one bag? DPS meter why can’t this just be in the game? sell greys or sell junk.

Why are bags Soul bound and not account bound? It is so annoying to toss away a 30 slot bag because my main have better in bank and one him. When I have alta that could use the bags. I truly hope bags become warband bound.

This needs to happen ASAP. All gathering needs to be available to everyone and then also get two crafting specs you can choose from. Why can’t my character Herb, Skin and Mine plus Smith and Leatherwork or Alchemist and Enchanter? Or even better why if I put the time in can’t I do it all? Are you saying in your game characters can only be so smart? That’s like telling someone at 10 years old, ok you can pick 2 subjects for the rest of your life and never learn anything else beyond that for the rest of your life ever. After 20 years of playing why could my Druid not have learned how to find herbs and skin and mine and then use those items to make potions and disenchant items and leatherworker and metal work. You say you want my time to matter yet you force me to make alts to gather on. You force me to make alts to craft on. When one main character could do them all. Their is nothing stoping them from learning this knowledge except Blizzard Entertainment the company. Can an engineer not also learn to play the piano and also learn to draw and fish and woodwork and metal work? I personally use to be an IT Director and Project Manager and I can also woodwork, weld, do electrical, plumb, build shelves, build all kinds of things. I got Bone Cancer and became permanently disabled if your wondering why I said use to.

I like the idea of Rune carving as a new craft. Honestly I am not sure why this hasn’t been added a long time ago since we have dwarfs in the game. Runes can be added to the skin as tattoos. Maybe you get them on your arms, chest and legs or something. So when you get down to your underwear you see tattooed runes on you. These would do things like boost stats. Nothing huge but say your a Prot warrior you can have 4 Runes tattooed on to you. So you get say 3% Def, 5% HP, 3% Parry, 5% Speed. Nothing game changing but fun to have and helps your overall game play.

Blizzard your getting close. Maybe it is time to start making on Unreal Engine 5, StarCraft Galaxy. Humans, Protos and Zerg a three faction game that has planets to play on and ships to travel around. Space fights. Land fights. Entire planets can be expansions. It is time after 20+ years for WoW to probably go to sleep. StarCraft Galaxy would give you another 20+ years to work with. You can take what you have learned and apply it towards an interstellar game that has a ship as your home base slash warband. You upgrade your ship as time goes one. Your character can change classes anytime so you only have one character or if you do have alts they join you on your ship. PvP, PvE and RvR would be massive as you would use AI to translate to a person’s preferred language so you can have just one server. Making it so millions of people are on one server having massive galactic battles. Guilds would control sections of the Galaxy and help set prices on items or ore.


I’ve always found the Earthen lore stuff/curse of flesh stuff pretty neat, so I’m happy to have Earthen.


Or Tuskvarr, Gnolls,…give me a murloc; I don’t care if I can mog anything on it. Pretty much any other race would have been exciting.


Earthen actually fit the theme though. There’s no rhyme or reason to most of these suggestions.

I’m gonna enjoy it. Not main material, but probably worth an alt or three.