Earthen Dwarves Massively Underwhelming

Someone will always be pleased, and someone will always be displeased. Everyone has the races they want, I’m sure someone was hoping for Earthen not me, not you but someone.


I’m actually looking forward to Earthen dwarves. I’d never play Vrykul, Ogres, or High Elves, but I’d roll an Earthen dwarf. The real crime is the lack of playable Tuskarr.


I’ve been on the Tuskarr train sense WoTLK.


A company like blizzard should be creating new model races. It’s a bit crazy how stingy they are. Earthen are completely fine but we should get a completely new modeled race as well. The AR idea really does seem like it was just a way to save time and money while still saying that they technically are providing new races.


I’m wondering if the time period has really set in for a lot of players…

Dragonflight will end and The War Within will likely release between Sept-Nov of 2024 as they said it was a Fall release date.

That’s almost and could still even be, a full year from now.

Let’s also assume that when Metzen said the expansions will release faster in this saga, that they mean only 1 year in between (Probably will be a year and a half in all seriousness).

We would then be 2 years away from the release of the following expansion Midnight.

What if they don’t add anymore allied races in The War Within? What if they also don’t decide to give us another one for Midnight?

We can easily be in the situation of waiting 2-3 years minimum, going through 2 new expansions, and all we have to show for it in the race department is Earthen Dwarves.

Just wow.

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It’s laziness plain and simple. Honestly if there isn’t a new class I genuinely think there should always be two new core races full stop. I don’t really get why some players are happy with just crumbs.


Absolutely agree.


IDK, it looks like an allied race, but it’s nothing important.

Anyway, since they were already ruined by the cringe of the leaks, at least they are no worse than lizard people Drackthyr with a single class, and it has nothing to do with the environment of Azeroth.

Nobody thinks how ridiculous that race is.

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more than 1 would be nice so many…Tortollans-Tuskaar-furbolg-etc


Speak for yourself there kind of cool to me not sure what class ill race change into one.

I’m hoping there’s another surprise regarding Earthen. Like why does it have to be Dwarves? Can it be something else too?


I agree.
They used a pre existing dwarf character model. Scaled it’s size , gave it’s a recolour and extra customization and called it an allied race.
Minimal effort maximum reward.
I applaud the business methods but it is disingenuous


I’d have to agree, the earthen are highly disappointing. I’m not a huge fan of making completely separate allied races from base models we already have, I’d rather see completely new races added and just add skins to existing races if they really want to do that. The fact that we already have 2 dwarf races is a little ridiculous, just very underwhelming especially since this is the race that comes with a new expansion announcement


I’m interested to find out how a third consecutive dwarf based class can have the strongest PvP racials in the game.

It will be difficult to beat borderline complete immunity to debuffs. Maybe they’ll get an AOE 5 minute rock-prison petrify, or something.

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It’s nothing new. None of the allied races are fully original.

Why is this striking people like it’s a fresh insult so to speak?

Probably same way we get so many elves.

night elf, blood elf, void elf, nightbourne, and people are asking for high elf too…

If we get another elf i’ll start eating dagger ears for lunch.

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This is ultimately what I’m hoping for. They only ‘officially’ announced Earthen because that’s what they have most-developed, but fingers crossed more are coming. Three dwarf sub-races to choose from on Alliance is two Dwarf races too many IMO. These were all possible to place as customizations, not be an Allied race.

I’m hoping we get more [really, better] options coming in TWW.


Earthen the only race I can think of that would make sense for an underground expansion, except for maybe a kobold…but not sure they are bright enough…well at least once you take away their candle anyways.

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That was a Frost dwarf… not an Earthen lmao

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No no. I’m talking about the black one with blue on it. Not the frost dwarf.