Earthen Dwarves Massively Underwhelming

It’s me. I’m someone.


I can see how they arrived at Earthen and yeah, they fit with the theme but who wants a 3rd Dwarf race? The two we have aren’t even that popular


Three words: Horrendous. Spider. People. That was the play that would have gotten people’s attention.

Playable Nerubians where your body type is decided by your class, because they’re discusting hive-dwelling eusocial arthropods.

Plate classes get the “Cryptlord” scarab body, cloth classes get the vizier body. Mail classes get the standard “cryptfiend” body and leather gets the crawler body.

It’s the only race of Aquir descent that we’ve had POSITIVE past interactions with. No, the Klaxxi don’t count.


I mean… I JUST got a Dark Iron to 70, so I’m going to have to agree. Releasing a race that is so similar to an allied race we already have seems like a bad choice.


Sethrakk would’ve have been a good option. More importantly, a more unique option.


I mean, I love dwarves.

And I’m tickled pink to get Horde dwarves.

But I still kind of want to be a horrendous spider person too.


Dwarves (including DA) are the only race I can stand playing on Alliance.

Now I won’t have to!

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I’m never going to get that excited about a recolor of an existing race as I would about a new model/rig.

And I’m never going to be as enthused about an allied race as I would about a full-fledged new race with an awesome starting zone experience that makes the setting feel more robust.

But I guess we’ll see how they do with making the Earthen compelling.


Underwhelming to YOU. They look cool to me. I would have picked Sethrak personally but I’m not going to post everywhere pretending that is anything more than my personal preference.

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I would not be surprised if by the end of TWW we ally with some faction of the more humanoid Nerubians they showed, heading into Midnight.

Like this one is even wearing armor so you could get a sense of how it might work. Bipedal but extra arms.


This is exactly where I was hoping they’d go with it when they mentioned Nerubians but it never happened. I hate spiders but shiiiit, I’d play one.

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Not horrendous enough. The original strain is exactly the flavor of revolting bug-monster we need.

Eight legs good, two legs bad. Aren’t these humanoid ones the ones that Xalatath poké-evolved with the shadow stone?

Horde needs Ogres desperately. We don’t even need female ones. Just give us 1 head and 2 head options.


I’ve never asked for the races you claimed. I only play elves and human, so I don’t care for the new race. However it fits with the expansion theme. The races you mentioned do not.

Dwarf paladin is something horde wanted? Why

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Well we all have opinions and I disagree with yours. I like earthen dwarves.


Earthen are the obvious choice for the xpac theme, and the fact they’re opened up to Horde is a win. This is also probably a precursor for a Horde centric allied race for the Allliance in the following xpac if not before.

Regardless, put me in the minority 'cause Earthen Dwarves are awesome.


I’m always happy to see new allied races. I’m sure I’ll make one even though it’s not much of an eye catcher to me. I think I’m a bit more disappointed in the lack of new customization options for current playable races. It would’ve been nice to see more body shapes and unlockable barbershop options announced.

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No way anyone can possibly sell me on Earthen Dwarves for a new expansion release at Blizzcon.

I’m happy that some people will enjoy them. But there’s no way around this low quality effort from the team.


It’s an allied race, calm down.

What i find more concerning is that blizzard seems really averse to creating a new model for a race, as they haven’t done so since Kul Tirans.

Even dracthyr are recycled bits, including the dragon form.