Earthen death knights

they shouldnt be, neither should the earthen.

They announced that eventually every race will be able to be every class

Aren’t dwarves in general anciant beings created by titans of the cosmos?

Somewhere there’s a junior lich with a titan universal remote.

Wouldn’t be the first time that a race’s death knights are from a different “group” then the other classes. Goblin Death Knights were originally part of the Steamwheddle Cartel while other playable goblins are from the Bilgewater Cartel.

What if their hair is actually made up of tiny strands of glass? Imagine, a dwarf with an RGB-lit fiber optic beard.

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They just need the valkyries to raise people. The Ebon blade keeps recruiting, just not in the broad or violent way the scourge did. We can still create dks of any race which means new dks creation are possible.

they are made out of stone…
dks usually specialize in raise the dead, which tend to be flesh n bone…

if we just go “oh hey, they can be turned into undead too!” whats to stop us from turning elementals into Undead…?

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Stone can be infused with decay. I’m more worried about earthen being horde too, would we get dwarven buildings near the crag?

that’d just be corruption or rot, like literally on the gnolls level of sickness, but more so they have a hard time moving.

I really hope they create a backstory that makes sense. It certainly doesn’t on the face of it.

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They could be Earthen from Northrend, like how Goblin Death Knights originate from the Steamwheedle Cartel.

Earthen Death Knights are Earthen that are forged with Saronite.

I have no idea where you got this but it’s not true. We were raised by Arthas.

The average necromancer is not able to raise a DK or paladin. Needs to be a really powerful one like Kel’Thuzad, Balnazzar, Arthas, etc.

@ Greatbae - I have a feeling one of things is going to happen:
1.) They’ll be Northrend Earthen raised by Arthas. Little to no explanation will be given, just like the more recent race/class combos.

2.) Earthen will not have access to DKs.

That’s an actual race of dwarves though. Like the ice trolls. These earthen are supposed to be titan creations and they just gave them normal dwarf hair when they are supposed to be entirely composed of earth.

edit: It actually appears I’m wrong. It looks like they based them on the earthen from post-Cataclysm Uldaman, which look more like ordinary dwarves than the Wrath models. And they actually closely resemble the earthen from War Within.

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They announced earthen’s classes already. DK’s is one of them.

Which would be another world build breaker for another class again. I hope they cone up with an explanation at least to cover the quiestions ppl will ask.

We literally don’t want them.

Also, the timeline of them becoming a Death Knight wouldn’t make sense either… just throwing that out there.

Blizzard, keep your budget dwarves, we want something better.

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Bolvar isn’t very picky.

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“So… You brought me a rock.”

“It’s an Earthen, my lord.”

“Looks like a rock to me. How are we supposed to make a Death Knight out of that?”

“Shock it with a bunch of magic and hope for the best?”


“Might as well give it a shot.”


Apologies. I’m not fully up-to-date with all the announcements.

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