Earthen Allied Race SUPPORT THREAD

Hot take, I guess? I’m really excited, especially after seeing their details and some customizations. Also, knowing they’re bigger than Dwarves and Dark Iron is really interesting. I may make my main Earthen Horde just because of the novelty of playing a Horde Dwarf.

Is anyone else really excited?


Not particularly, but I’m glad you are!

They’re coming no matter how I feel about it so someone might as well enjoy them.


I’m not overly excited but you can bet I’m going to have a Horde Earthen 100%

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Earthen are the closest thing we’re gonna get to golems, and golems are frickin cool.



I’ll welcome my titan brethren with open arms. :leftwards_hand::robot::rightwards_hand:

…unless provoked! :gun::robot:

edit: I’m really excited to see the Skardyn mutation with the Earthen since Xal’atath is involved. :robot::test_tube:


I wouldn’t say I’m excited, but I’m not disappointed either. I’ll always try out new toys :smirk:


" New toys ??? For meeeee??? I promise I won’t break them…This time"


we dont need to many dwarfs, this is the 3rd one.

otherwise what irks me is that they can be dks…
Where did the lich king find stone dwarves?!


They’re fine.

Not my first choice, but I wasn’t hoping for any allied race in particular, so I’m not disappointed we’re not getting Naga/High Elves/Ogres/My missing left sock/whatever.

Did anyone even ask for another dwarf race though? No Ogres or Gnolls or something else?


Nope. Still waiting on playable ogres.


They are a very good Horde-race but the Alliance deserves better at this point.


honestly dwarves was the easiest for them to make.

tho i have no idea what they joined the horde… but okay…

wont happen --too big. Tauren have trouble with some doors , not being able to enter some places , not fitting under scenery other can etc , no way they will do ogres ( i get a neck ache looking up at Humans as well let alone ogres ) . you have to be realistic with what you wish for , while something would be absolutely great , they just arnt realistic or practicle


the ONLY thing better than dwarves is me sweety :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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I am! :partying_face:

Made a thread to emphasise such very recently –

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I’m sure they could come up with some downsized ogres if they really wanted to, just like they made some mini dragons. Now, would I want them to? Not really, haha. But I definitely would never say it “won’t happen”.

On to the Earthen… I do think the game is going to be a little too oversaturated with dwarves. Them being a little bigger doesn’t change that. Am I mad though? No. Am I completely not excited? Yes.
Side note: I feel like with all their rocky texturing and jewels, the majority of armor will probably look a little odd on them.

Eh, “excited” is a strong word for it. They seem neat though. Beards for the ladies is awesome. I’ll certainly make one if for no other reason than their heritage armor looks rad.


Now that is real armor right there. I swear, this race is a hybrid of lord of the tingle dwarves with shale from dragon age. I love it. I do believe it’s my new fave race.

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It looks like the Dark Iron heritage armor. What a shame we couldn’t get a different armor.

I’m not really happy with this race mostly when we get Horde dwarves but if you are happy I think it’s fine.

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