Neutral Dwarves for both factions are here to stay

Been seeing a lot of new threads popping up, being created & revived etc regarding the subject of the new neutral Dwarven race (Earthen) with –

  • The Alliance being unhappy they didn’t get {Insert one of several different races} they wanted.
  • The Horde being unhappy they didn’t get {Insert one of a few different races} they wanted.
  • … Or those in firm denial about the Horde getting them too. :rofl:

Fairly certain the neutral Earthen Dwarves are here to stay.

Some things coming to the next expansion are subject to change, that’s a given – However I don’t believe the Earthen as a new neutral race is one of them :joy:

At best, I’d suggest to make threads upon:

What customisations you’d like to see provided to them or cultural significances referenced in the past you’d like to see re-visited with this lot of Earthen, whether that’s titan-tech, architecture, mannerisms etc.

Fortunately having the Earthen Dwarves isn’t really very ‘Lore-breaking’ as much as other things we’ve had in expansions from the past {cough} Shadowlands {cough} – So although I’m skeptic about how the race will go, I’m pretty curious at how they’ll go marching them forward.

What I’d love to see most with the Earthen Dwarves:

  • Is if they’ll have any bejewel or Azerite customisations :heart_eyes:
  • Elemental Ascendance lore (Like what the Incarnates had, and what some of the Primalists were able to achieve). :star_struck:
  • or … Features throughout the expansion that’ll allow us to unlock more customisations for the race to use (Akin to Dragonriding Manuscripts) or earned via achievements etc, to utilise the Earthen appearances outside from the ones we see in the zone in the next expansion, such as those around Azeroth we’ve visited before (such as Ulduar) :grin:

For reference @ the last dot point above :point_up: Some of the other Earthen appearances we’ve seen throughout Azeroth before, or in game-files of the past can be seen here:

So, for the anticipation of the new ‘Here to stay’ – Earthen Dwarves, what are you excited to see, or what would you be keen to see? :partying_face:

True as it may be there is no shame in wishing and hoping for the things you want in the game. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately though, we are not the designers of the game, and only they can put in what they want. And for those of us who wanted something else - that is unfortunate for us.

I mean that being said, there’s also a lot of ‘suggestions’ that are made on the forums that I’m very very, very thankful Blizzard didn’t do lol

Honestly a lot of what they said was coming to the next expansion @ Blizzcon, are things I really wanted, have made threads about in the past myself before or have discussed with my guild so overall, despite my original doubts I’m actually very happy for what’s coming. For example, what I’m looking forward to the most is the alt-friendliness they’re bringing forward – Had me literally roaring with cheer. :joy:

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It’s a pretty uninteresting choice, but I understand why they went with that. Best thing I could hope for out of it is that they come with a sweet set of racial mounts to collect. I’d love to see more updated ram mounts, but that seems unlikely.

I mean model-wise it’s understandable, from their point of view. They can pop gear upon & around the model with ease (unlike the Dracthyr, who you can only see shoulders & belt with in ‘Dragon’ form).

Who knows though, it might be a ‘filler-race’ to buy time whilst they work on others they plan on releasing later. Time to time, Blizzard seem to learn from their mistakes pretty well & turn them into lessons – Such was also established @ Blizzcon, when they mentioned what they’d learnt from previous content when designing Delves.

Oooh I actually forgot about racial mounts! It’d be cool to see what stuff they get :scream:

Getting an Earthen Ram would be pretty cool lol – However, if they manage to surprise us with something else imaginative & thrilling; I’ll still be fairly pleased. :slight_smile: