Earthen Allied Race SUPPORT THREAD

No because they’re not Alliance only gonna further ruin the Horde Faction Identity cause they can’t be bothered to make a second race for Horde or even just give us Nerubians who’s new models look sick.

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Horde faction identity was lost when they let elves in back in burning crusade. That argument doesn’t work anymore.

MoP was both factions then leaned into Horde, WoD was all Horde, Legion maybe you could say Alliance sure, BFA was both but heavily focused on Saurfang, Sylvanas, and Horde politics so we’ll say Horde, plus the Tree Burned, Shadowlands again Horde because of all the Sylvanas focus and the Covenants featuring several Horde characters. Dragonflight was neither faction, until they decided to rectify their Night Elf mistake for Guardians of the Dream, which is owed. Just my opinion!

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My favorite races are dwarves, gnomes, and pandaren. So I’ll definitely be making an earthen and I’m very excited to play one. Can’t wait to see their racials. My biggest dilemma is what class to make the earthen.


The Horde will appreciate the chungus Dwarves.

We’re just blizz’s punching bag. We’ve gotten used to it

I’m going Shaman personally, makes sense to me ATM unless these new ones are different.

I’m sure there’s some people out there excited for them. For me there’s just a lot of other races out there I feel like should have come first.

im saving this name for my earthen in warthin lol but tbg I wish we could had earthen for just Alli and maybe a new underground troll for the Horde. I feel blizz is opening up a gate in warthin that cant be closed ever again after this. the end of alliance and horde exclusivity and identity.

They’re a minor monkey paw for me as I liked the original Titan automaton - giving them too much personal agency robs them of a little bit of their appeal.

That being said, it is minor. I understand why they went in this direction, particularly with the Titans being positioned as possible antagonists. I love that they’re playable, regardless of my niggling issue.

That already started with Void Elves or even earlier when Paladins and Shamans stopped being faction exclusive. It would be interesting to see if this is a start of change from factions being so race dependent and more belief dependent. This way new races have a choice of being Horde or Alliance verses just being one or the other because of their race.

Personally I love dwarfs am I am happy to add one to my Horde characters.

I considered it… But I already have a Dark Iron Shaman. That Heritage set and weapon goes HARD with the legion fire ball shield. Helps that Dark Iron put their one-handed axe on their back instead of their side.

thats because horde got their night elves; the nightborn, so they gave alliance belf; the velf.

Nah, buts it an Alliance expansion since there are lots of dwarfs, so its bound to be good

My first WoW toon back in early 2005 (EU beta) was a dwarf. But when retail came I went Horde. I’m pretty happy with the idea of having a Horde dwarf. :smiley:

But I’d still rather have an undead druid. O_o

Personally, I hope to make a jade Earthen embedded with gold nuggets. :slight_smile:

So you see how the gate has already been opened up and the factions have not lost their identity because of that. It did not happen when people made their pandas either. I think the core races should stay faction locked to keep that identity but allied races don’t really need that. Now BfA was different because it was a faction war based xpac so I cannot understand that.

Im glad i wasnt the only one.

Im exited for the Earthen but largely because i wanted a slightly bigger dwarf.

So I’m not gunna lie, personally I don’t care for dwarves in any fantasy universe.

But, I am glad earthen are coming. I like the “stone race” kinda thing. And it is ABOUT DAMN TIME female bearded dwarves became a thing.

Im looking forward to it even if not super hyped.

Absolutely zero interest