Earthen a let down

Gets Roosh a box to stand on

Their beards are wires, which is still kind of weird. While they’re mechanical in their behavior, they’re not literally machines. Like, they’re not full of circuits and cogs. They’re magic statue people.

The beards should have been mossy growth and fungus.

I know, it’s a cheap excuse for low effort

I know, hence why I said stone beards. Like they’ve had throughout the lore.

That would be a cool option with much of the mossy and fungi themed stuff!

Literally was excited to play Holy Pally Earthen.

Can’t drink. Guess back to my Eredar Draenei…

I do like the flavor of requiring them to eat Gems I think that’s actually cool despite me not liking Earthen. But those Gems should be A: Purchasable from any General Goods vendor or B: The Earthen should have a racial to allow them to dig through the dirt and find them on a 1 hour CD with their well fed buff being as good as the best food for their level and lasting 1 hour and persisting through death.

I’m bummed there wasn’t a starting area outside in Khaz Algar for Earthen. None of the new hunter pets until 70 I guess.

They start with Ramolith, I assume?

I enjoy them quite a bit, but I really do wish we would hear that a fix to the issues with their racials was on its way.

Radio silence isn’t very fun.

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I unlocked Earthen, but to me they just aren’t as cool as OG Dwarves or Dark Iron.

Their racials really suck compared to the other dwarves too.

Fireblood (and Mole Machine) and Stoneform >>> Not being able to eat, lol.

Probably the first allied race that I’ve unlocked and won’t level.


Rogues definitely are annoying.
Been killing a few on my dk as of late in war mode.

Yes. Those are cool at least.

The issue isn’t with stat type, the issue is that the Earthen Well Fed buff is lower than the comparable buff from standard Well Fed. So instead of the Racial for 10% armor being used as an addition buff, its basically offsetting the handicap of the lower food buff so you’re essentially not getting full benefits of the racials.

THey are physically bigger than dwarves…

Are they? I couldn’t tell much. Is it by a smidgeon?

Yea, this “well fed” pilava of a racial has got to go. It gimps your character by being objectively inferior to regular food, disappears when you die, and if that’s not enough, the price of gems to change it or to heal by eating is obscene.

Blizz did not think this through at all. We need an official announcement on this racial being deleted ASAP.

Fun fact, there are several achievements that require you to eat a whole range of foods from all the expacs. Imagine someone deciding to do those achievements on their character, only to get completely shut down by this brain dead racial. SMH.


IT is at least by like 25%. Earthen are a good head taller than regular dwarves. It is like someone took the model and used the scale tool a bit on them.

What a disappointment. I was skeptical that they can’t eat food. So, I made one confirmed you can’t eat and immediately deleted that toon. So, not a great idea IMO Blizzard…

I even bought a race change earlier today with the intention of race changing my belf pally to an Earthen. I’m so glad I saw the massive fallout over this brain dead racial before I processed the race change though.

So now I’ll just let my race change service collect dust until either this stupid racial gets removed or blizz introduces another race without such a stupid racial. Hopefully when they release Harronir, I’ll use it on that.

Wait - like, they can’t drink water to recover mana?

My Earthen priest is very concerned

You would think, but I’m not convinced of that – not yet, anyway.

I think there is some developer at Blizzard who thinks that not allowing them to regen health and mana outside of combat is a “fair tradeoff” for having an always on well fed buff. And this was greenlit by their supervisors, including the game director.

If I’m right in my guess, it’s one of the dumbest ideas I’ve ever seen, because it fails to take into account the general use people (healers esp) make of regular, cheap food to regen mana, and not the well-fed buff, which comes only from cooked food anyway. It’s the kind of thing I can see some developer seeing as a “fair exchange”, even though it’s apples and oranges.