Earthen a let down

Here was my experience with Earthen.

  • Level Earthen… [DONE]
  • Get Heritage Armor… [DONE]
  • Delete Earthen… [DONE]

The inability to eat food or drink, the fact the Earthen Well Fed buff is lower than standard food buffs, the fact you have to consume, currently, expensive gems for buff, the Racial attack/heal was lackluster, the race wasn’t worth playing. It was definitely not for the competitive.


Yeah but they look cool and can be paladins. That’s enough for me.


The little intro was cool, the ability to select your “background program” then selecting your armor and weapon style was a nice touch. Beyond that, it was a mess. I hope they fix the Well Fed / food consumption idea.


So, any idea how to ingest minerals and change the stat of your buff? I can’t find any information anywhere.

Rock paladins, okay…

I need to see a montage of the lore on youtube for this. I need a laugh.


Makes sense, Azerite happened anywhere. Surely did in their cave as well.

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Seeing all these threads about them makes me glad I got over the allied races gimmick after BFA. Didn’t bother with the dragon race in DF, and not interested at all with the jewel dwarves. At least my regular dwarf can drink booze and eat normal buff food lol. Dark irons are better anyways imo.


Ok, but I can make a cool one with a beard though???

Dark Iron > Earthen


I disagree with that, Dark Iron always annoyed me.

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Pft. Mine has a fire beard. Greatest beard in all of WoW.

Their heritage armor and paladin mount are great too. So are their racials…mostly.


The one cool thing about earthen is that no one will be playing one in 6 months due to the very poorly designed racial ability. So you’ll be unique I guess?


Sounds like my lonely mechagnome. Rarely see others out there.

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  • Ingest Minerals – You are always Well Fed, but cannot consume food. Consuning a Khaz Algar gem chances the benefit granted to your by Well Fed.
    • Amber: Stamina
    • Emerald: Haste
    • Onyx: Mastery
    • Ruby: Critical Strike
    • Sapphire: Versatility

You should have a click button Ingest Minerals that lets you eat it.

I like the OG dwarf more still. And Stoneform is pretty good still, best thing that exists against rogues. And I hate rogues, broken class to duel or deal with in Arena.
Frost Reist lets you break out from Frost mage spam quicker also. Good racials.

At least mechagnomes have good racials.


Yeah, the OG dwarf is great too. I like the heritage armor. I ended up switching to Dark Iron though. Just partial to them for some reason.

The icon of the human and dwarf paladins is Tyr. Also a titan construct.

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I’m sorry what? No way that’s a thing.

The ultimate mindset of current WoW bLIZZARD TEAM

Yikes, what a joke. I did not see it coming :roll_eyes: