Earthen a let down

I have one, never got it to max level. Not really a fan of Demon Hunters either.

I’m still waiting on Tinkers. That’s the only other class I’m interested in playing.

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Same. I have one that I rarely play because I don’t really like the play style.

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I have an Evoker but she only levels via mining and herbing.

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Posting in a troll thread. But I like the Earthen, even if their mechanics are dog****.

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All the cool races that people actually want are too much work.

This is a minimum effort product so all we get are reskins.

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Apparently if you logout or change zone, the wellfed buff comes back. So at least a workaround

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They need to nuke the racial from orbit and do something else.

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That’s true but there are already races with a bonus to jewelcrafting. They should have something unique.

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Literally everything about the Racials is bad.

I have no idea how this made it out of beta.

Eeeyup i was saying this junk for a long time and sooooo many people would argue.
copy paste race with worse racials is a horrible addition to the game.

It wasn’t meant for the whiny. Good news is they’ll probably change it. They keep forgetting nothing interesting can exist in this game when you pander to whiners.

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Correct me if I’m wrong (I have not tanked since Legion) doesn’t strength contribute to how much damage your shield can block and doesn’t agility add to dodge still and Stamina is still Stamina.

I mean that doesn’t seem useless.

Jeesh the amount of uneducated threads.

The no food to use to regen hp and mana is probably an oversight.
The buff thing is a non issue as earthen can use feasts for raids and junk just like everyone else.

There is a huge difference between “interesting” and “this race cannot meaningfully participate in group content because they have a severe handicap”.

There are many ways to make a race “interesting” without giving them a handicap to health/mana regeneration out of combat that no other race has.

“Sorry I’m an Earthen, we’ll need to stop and stand here for a minute after every big pull so I can get mana back.” See how well that goes over in difficult content.

The silly thing is it’s perfectly possible for them to get by without regular food. All they need is to have special “gem food” that only they can eat, that costs the same as regular food, and has the same effect as regular food. That would be interesting flavor and not handicap them. Also their racial “well fed” buff needs to be equivalent to what other races can get by eating.

That’s my plan too.

An ‘Oversight’ that 100s of people gave feedback on in the beta.

Crazy that Blizzard just ignored that… actually it isn’t. Dunno why they even hold alphas / betas anymore. They ignore all feedback unless it is literal 1000s of people throwing a fit over something.

I hate to break it to you elite nerds, but… food bufs dont actually help that much at all if any. The stats are always small. Unless you are a World first raider/ Hall of Fame guild, It doesnt matter. If your neckbeard GM/raid lead cares that much, you are in a trash guild. It wont make a difference and those gems will be worthless soon enough.

Had to be hyped to be let down.

The first mistake was getting hyped for something that from a mile out was obviously going to be mid.

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So says a Worgen of all things.

Nothing more boring than playing a dog with no tail.

Do they? Or do they just look like off-colours of what we already had.
They don’t even have stone beards, which is the real crime against humanity.