Earthen a let down

Nope. Only mage food and feasts (raid food).

Oh ok, well that’s a plus I guess.

Yup. My Earthen Priest is suddenly very concerned.

Whelp - Time to cast Symbol of Hope legit on CD.

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The racials are just too bad to consider making this a race to play.

says the space goat with tentacle face…

The fact that they didn’t have women was rather weird too…

here we see a normal wow player, who knows how to just sit down and play the game and have fun with their race/class choices. Who doesn’t try their hardest to extract all the fun and replace it with cold calculated decisions that only lead to perfect damage numbers…

This is an RPG, and you got it right.
OP…I don’t want to say they are doing it wrong…but it sure as hell isn’t a healthy mindset.
I can’t say my race has ever been a factor in my character making decision.
For instance, this character is an inscriptionist. Has been since Inscription was a thing. I did a race change about a year ago from Night Elf to Nightbourne because Horde and cool elf look. I literally found out on accident that the nightbourne were better at inscription and had a mailbox. I just wanted to play a fancy bejeweled elf.

Maybe op should think about things like that more than min/maxxing every aspect of their gameplay. I used to. Believe me when I tell you, it’s trash. It just ruins the game for you and will make you want to unsubscribe faster.

Im on the fence anyway with earthen. Any downside at all an Im not gonna bother.
Dark Iron are the dwarven bomb anyway.

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This gem nonsense seems like a downside.


well that sucks.
well, not really. I wasnt that interested anyway. Id rather keep screaming for Ion to expand the Mole Machine locations like he SHOULD have been doing, and just stick to Dark Iron.

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Good, time we had a feature that wasn’t perverted by those who see everything as competitive.

While its annoying that my Earthen Priest is going to be very concerned by not being able to drink water in dungeons → “Restriction breeds creativity”

It’s kinda cool seeing people on reddit trying to figure out how to get around it - my favorite suggestion so far being “queue for a follower dungeon, get mage food form a mage NPC then dip” >.>

Super inconvenient, and not sure if that works, but just seeing people figuring out things is kinda cool.

And who knows - maybe this brings back the classic mages who just stand around major cities selling mage food <.<

you can use a second unsubbed wow account to make the buns on to pass off to your main.

Invite the unsubbed account Mage to group with the subbed account character.
Create mana table with mage on unsubbed account.
Get your buns.

just tried it and its working right now.

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the paladin dude from hollowfall did teach about the faith he choose for the rock guard dude that was helping him.

There is how rocks can be paladins.

I like your opinion.

However, this game should not require you to resort to work arounds for something as simple as food.

I just don’t understand why whomever at Blizzard thought changing the entire food system for one race was a good idea. It doesn’t jive with the game that’s been around for several years (slight under representation).

This reminds me of the ‘change’ to sky riding with the Algarian mount. Luckily, Blizzard realized how upset the players were with that decision and changed that issue.

Hopefully, someone at Blizzard with any pull at all will actually see what people are upset about and fix it.

Well, this is just IMO

OH - good to know - gonna have to make a mage on my starter account <3

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I agree tbh - Like it’s neat that people are trying to figure out things - but its annoying that we have too. It sounds like an unnecessary complication for sure.

I was totally expecting Earthen just couldn’t eat - and we had a slight trade off for the built in well fed buff → but the lack of easy access to water is too pesky as a trade off

yeah…sorry i had a typo in that post lol.

So subbed character invites the unsubbed mage on the second account to group.
after youre grouped, mage makes a table…the subbed character can get the four stacks of mage food now.

Wonder why Ion hasnt made this impossible? lol

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This racial is seriously dumb. I don’t think I’ll play an earthen for sure now. I tried shaman, paladin, rogue … but if I can’t use eat / drink it feels like the character is weirdly limited.

Wait… It’s not just something you find around it’s actual gems??

Yet… I’m still going to be an earthen…