Only Mage food and The War Within cut gems.
Dwarves that can’t drink? That’s blasphemy!
they should really give you a warning when race changing to this crap rofl
As someone pointed out in another post, after level 60 you can enter a follower dungeon and get Mage water/food and then leave group. There is no penalty for leaving a follower dungeon. You also get the Int buff and Mark of the Wild from your followers. Janky and doesn’t help low levels though.
So apparently a guildie of mine was doing a dungeon and was able to eat mage buns.
Yeah, I thought we couldn’t get a well fed buff from food, not that we couldn’t eat/drink food period.
same i got scammed out of a race change fr fr
Wouldn’t bother me so much if I just played dps, but I push high keys as resto, and I need to drink because resto shaman is terrible with mana at the moment.
They eat crystals (what gems are, nice crystals lol) it seems.
They moved beyond that gate way drug. They SPEED leveled to another substance.
Pun intended. Not saying its a good one, but intended lol.
I never thought there would be a more pointless race added to wow then mechagnomes. Blizzard keeps surprising me.
It’s not that hard to level, especially with the EXP buff. Heritage armor unlocks at level 50 and if you play a tank or healer, dungeon grinding goes really fast.
They seem to run down a list of annoying former enemies we kill in droves…then make em allied races.
It not be so bad if they’d jsut give what many want. Naga. The annoying beat down NPC’s some would like.
*look dumb.
It’s easier just to Race Change especially if you bought one during the sale.
I like to create rp backgrounds and just write little bit about my character stories to differentiate them and to motivate me playing them and designing mogs that suit their stories. For example I have a redeemed Defias human and another human, I wrote her as a simple villager who is retired Theramore soldier.
My only note for my Earthen thus far is nothing because there is nothing inspiring about them even though their lore was finely crafted during my main leveling experience through Dorn. I find it is hard to find motivation to level mine because I can find any inspiring angle to write a story about them.
- Not wasting a race change for an experimental playthrough.
- Race changing doesn’t give a good feeling for a race or class as well as leveling one.
- Race changing doesn’t allow you to experience the starting intro for the new race.
Thats a serious problem for PVP, i was expecting this racial to be like Zandalari Trolls wich u can choose one of them within a CD.
They must fix that before pvp S1 starts, at least to make those expensive minerals to give the same ammount of buffs than regular foods.
There’s apparently a vendor that sells “flavored gems” that are currently trash items, I heard they were supposed to be usable as food/drink at one point during beta and that they haven’t swapped them to be functional yet for some reason.
If they fix that, fix Well Fed not actually being permanent, and buff Well Fed to either match the secondary gains of normal food or grant a bit of main stat as well, I think things’ll be fine.
Right now I have one of every class, so to make an Earthern I’d have to either change a race or make a duplicate class. Not interested in doing either of those things for another Dwarf. If it was a totally new race I probably would.
Only class I don’t have and never will is Evoker.