Earthen a let down

Its not. Its gone the moment you die and you have to eat another gem. If it persisted through death I would agree 100%

I just bought a Quick Emerald and clicked it like you would any food and my well-fed buff changed to Haste.

My experience with Earthen.

  • Race Change to Earthen… [DONE]
  • Get Heritage Armor… [DONE]
  • Have a Blast!… [CONTINUING]


Emo Dragons that look like they’re fan art from deviantart. Hard pass as well, but what do you expect from a woke trash expansion.

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Why not both?

Did you really expect a generic reskin to be amazing?

Not just a reskin but the second reskin at that


Well I am not pushing to make a Earthen that’s a fact now due to silly issue of not being able to eat food or drink water…and only able to eat Mage food or really high gold cut gems…thus forcing you if you want to save gold to make your Earthen a Miner/JC just to save not having to buy cut gems for food…they should of made special food/drink recipes for Earthen to cook using raw uncut gems …and cooked over a special lava fire set up in the bldg where the cook trainer is …that would of been the more sensible thing to do instead of forcing players to spend high amounts of gold for cut gems.

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I will still say again and again that I spent a long time between using thier magic anvil that is NO where else and the brewfest I killed so many over the years before the DI Dwarves became playable may characters faces were posted as mass murderers down there…

I thought about trying the new race BUT until someone actually does the write up on each and every part of the quest chain I am stuck as I can’t unlock them …

badly planned out racial unlock for me personally

I hope you are ret. If you are Holy you are in for a RUDE AWAKENING next week unless you ALWAYS have a mage in your group. Will bite spending 2k a pop for water.

I made a thread discussing this. MY Hopes is that Blizz will see it and offer a fix because my Horde Shammy LOVES being an Earthen also.

I think they are pretty down to earth


The fact that you lose it upon death has got to be a bug, otherwise the racial is a complete waste.

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Have fun with spending thousands of gold per death for your Well Fed buff. It currently doesn’t persist through death. (I have personally tested that myself.)

Thats not even the bigger issue. Check my post above with the Mana issue for healers. I discuss it in more detail here

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Meanwhile Nelves and Forsaken can’t be Paladins after all these years despite it making perfect sense

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They should of made special food/drink recipes for Earthen to cook using raw uncut gems …and cooked over a special lava fire set up in the bldg where the cook trainer is …that would of been the more sensible thing to do instead of forcing players to spend high amounts of gold for cut gems…but leave it too them to make it gold heavy now.


Prot/Ret The only time I play a healer is Priest. Leveling as Disc I die a lot less than Shadow.

Not worried… I’m a Paladin I rarely if ever die. :person_gesturing_no:

Seriously?!? :exploding_head:

Yeah, this is a problem, I mostly heal in mythic keys, so… ouch.

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I rolled an Earthen just to test it, killed myself and it’s been half an hour and still no buff.

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