Early Access, Was it worth it?

If you think “use gold from making it in game or buying it to skip ahead for one season and still get left out because your parses are grey and didn’t get the gear drops you wanted” is in any way, shape or form flat out pay to win, you have a lot to learn about what pay to win actually is.

And lord knows I’m not going to even remotely attempt to convince you people of logic and facts. You have no interest in such things. And I have no patience with illogical nonsense.

Enjoy your day.

This whole conversation is pointless as pay to win doesn’t even have a clearcut definition to begin with.

I would say that wow does have elements of pay to win, but they are so minor that calling it a pay to win game is disingenuous because that label implies all sorts of scummy systems that do not exist in wow.

But on the other hand, yes it technically does have some pay to win elements.

Pointless debate.

Was it worth it for me to buy the $90 version while fully understanding what I was buying? Yes.




would be one of the many reasons would be upset about it.

Overpowered gear only available through the cash shop with no means of acquiring that same gear through normal gameplay, making that piece simply better than anything else.

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It was worth it for me to be able to level over the weekend.

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certainly did not expect to see someone call a release date “timegating”

thats a new one


Typical behavior of a certain generation.

  1. Purchase a product without doing any form of information gathering, including not reading the product description on the purchase page.

  2. Whine that the product they purchased is the product they purchased.

  3. Get mad at anyone that points out that they created their own problem.

  4. Scream at everyone about refunds.


This is a you problem then.

Blizzard can call their early access anything they want, it’s not their fault you didn’t read what their product includes before purchase. Their definition and description of what “early access” means was included in multiple places on their product page before you checked out.

Not to mention… Blizzard doesn’t start the season on day 1 of an expansion anyway, so I don’t know why you’d suddenly think they would start it 3-4 days ahead of the expansion either, lol. Season 1 starts on September 10, which is 2 weeks after full launch.

If you’ve played for 19 years, this isn’t new.

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Besides a month of game time, mounts, pets, access to beta and the 4 day jump, youll have a head start on leveling and tradeskills. Nothing else is available until after release.

World quests, raids, events and M+ and not even all dungeons will be available until AFTER the full release.


Beacuse it’s yet another “subtle” WoW vs FF14 thread we’ve been having on these forums since Shadowlands.


Honestly, FF14 is the better MMO. But I have zero interest in starting a second MMO. Its also slower than WoW and Im not a fan of that. Slow in terms of combat and such. But it is 100% a better MMO, Devs listen to their players. Heck, they got such back lash they redid the whole game. WoW Has fallen behind, and while they are trying to catch up. FF14 just does it better.

After 4 days of early access , there will some players will say " Go home , I already finish the game . It’s over . "
That’s when time to boycott all caffeine drinks for those 4 days .

Right, that’s your definition which isn’t shared by many people. Often the people who use that definition love pay to win lol.

According to that, Diablo Immortal isn’t pay to win.

I’m passing on it just because I want it to last a bit longer when it’s actually in my hands.

If I played beta and early access, I’d burn out faster than just waiting for the real deal.

Plus, I don’t pre-order ever, but that’s just me.

Based on what? That’s the most common definition you have about it.

Early access is pretty much like P2W . Pay more money to get the new expansion edition. Be the first ones to get better gear . After 4 days , they will tell everyone they are bored and they did everything.

100% i am going on vacation and will be away on the 27th, thankfully i got early access so i can get in and level up before i go on my vacation.

Overpowered Gear only available through Cash shop. How many people complete Mythic Raids? Actually go through, and finish them and get the gear? The amount of no lifing you need to do to get there is insane, Its eat, sleep work and Wo. Its basically a second Job.

Now, with the awesome advent of the wow Token, You to can pay for that Mythic Raid boss kill, Get the Gear almost no one else will have and thus, Pay to win comes in to play. You are PAYING for an Elite Teir of play. Paying with Real money turned in to ingame currency. THis is why WoW Tokens are pay to win and Blizzard condones it by the Token itself and the Services channel. Its all money to them.

THis is why they should just have given full access to the game with “Early Access” and its why they didn’t name it “Limited Access” As they rightly should have, cause not enough people would have bought the $90 Edition.

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You’re really tripped up on what they chose to name their product that you didn’t read the description of before you purchased, lol.

First mad about EA not giving a real headstart, then WoW is P2W, and now FF14 is better but I won’t actually play it.

OP is fishing with dynamite.